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w,xlsg w,l,xÑhla

lsIdks w,xlsg tla;rd rEmjdyskS kd<sldjlska l%shdodu jev igyklg we/hqï ,eì,d' Èùu" mekSu" .ia ke.Su" l÷ m,a,ï neiSu jeks wNsfhda.d;aul l%shdldrlï¨‍ thg iyNd.sjkakkag lrkak ;sfhkafka' ´kE uÕ=‍,la lsh,d lsIdks pKaä IHdud jf.a jefâ ndr wrf.k' yenehs ys;=jg jvd jev igyk l%shdodu me;a;g nrhs¨‍' fldfydu yß m<uq iy fojeks wÈhr l%shd;aul jqKdhska wk;=rej lsIdksg mdka lshd.kak neß ;;a;afjlg m;a fj,d'

ta;a fl,a, miqneye,d keye' fïßhka fcdakaia ;ykï W;af;acl wrka T,sïmsla Èõjd jf.a lsIdks;a .aÆfldaia melÜ fol ;=klau .s,,d wdfh;a jefâg neye,d' tod ief¾ lsIdks ÿjmq Èú,a, k;r lf,a ll=f,a weKhl=;a wekf.k' lsIdksg fjÉp fï w,l,xÑ ksid wef.a wïu;a nh fj,d' tod lsIdks f.or weú;a ;sfhkafka iEfykak uykais fj,d' fudk foa jqK;a pKaälu wvq fkdlr.;a lsIdks lshkafka wdfh;a tjeks jevigyklg l;d lf<d;a ta wNsfhda.h ndr.kakd njhs'

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