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mS' fla' Ñ;%mgh ms<snoj Tn wid ke;s lreKq

mS' fla' Ñ;%mgh uu ys;kafk fkdn,mq flfkla kE fï jk úg' b;ska tfyu n,mq tla fma%laIsldjla úiska Ñ;%mgh ms<sn|j úfYaI lreKq wmsg tj,d ;sfhkjd' wehg fndfydu ia;=;shs wfkla wh iuÛ fï .ek fnod.kak fï f;dr;=re wmsg tõjdg'
1' Ñ;%mghla bkaÈhdfõ bmehQ jeäu wdodhu jd¾;d lrñka mSfla bkaÈhdfõ

fndlaia T*sia jd¾;d ì| fy,d wjika"

2' bkaÈhdj ;=, remsh,a fldaá 300la iy f,dj mqrd fldaá 600la wdodhï fuu Ñ;%mgh Wmhd ;sfnkjd'

3' fuu Ñ;%mgh i|yd jeh l, uqo, bkaÈhka fldaá 85la muk jkjd"

4' fuu Ñ;%mgh ;sr.; ùug;a l,ska ta i|yd úhoï jQ uqo, m%pdrl lghq;= j,ska Wmhdf.k ;sfnkjd'

5' Ñ;%mgh ;sr.; lr we;af;a foieï n¾ 19 jk Èkhs'

6' fuys wó¾ Ldka w¢k ishÆu we÷ï idudkH ck;djf.a we÷ï j,ska f;da;d .kakd ,o we÷ï'
7' mSfla bka Èhdfõ iskudy,a 3700 l iy f,dj mqrd iskud y,a 800 l m%o¾Ykh lr ;sfnkjd'
8' mSfla Ñ;%mgh wOHla‍Ikh lr, ;sfhkafka Rajkumar Hirani úiska" 2009 § b;du;a ckm%sh jqK 3 Idiots Ñ;%mgfha wOHla‍Il jrh;a Tyquhs"

9' Ñ;%mgfha Wm m%Odk pß;hlg odhl jQ fï jk úg;a isr.; ù isák ikaf– o;a fjkqfjka isrf.or ;=<§u Ñ;%mgfha úfYaI o¾Ykhla fmkaùug wó¾ Ldka mshjr wrf.k ;snqkd'

10' wó¾ iy ikaf– o;a tlaj rx.kfha fhÿk m<uq Ñ;%mgh fuh jk w;r 1992§ SahebzaadeÑ;%mgfha§ Tjqka fofokdu rx.kfhka odhl ùug kshñ;j ;snqk;a wó¾ Ldka Ñ;%mgh yerhdu fya;=fjka tu pß;h i|yd wdÈ;H mxfpda,sj f;dard f.k ;snqkd'

11' wó¾ Ldka fuu Ñ;%mghg iyh wOHlaIljrfhl= j‍Yfhkao odhl;ajh ,nd § ;sfnkjd'

12' Ñ;%mghla i|yd wó¾ Ldka ksrej;a jQ m<uq wjia;djo fuh jkjd'

13' wó¾ Ldka fuu Ñ;%mgh fjkqfjkau fndaÊmQÍ .%dóh NdIdj wjqreÿ foll ld,hla ;siafia yodrd ;sfnkjd'

14' mSfla Ñ;%mgfha m%Odk ks<s NQñldj rÛ olajk wkqIald I¾ud rdÊ l=ud¾ ysrdks úiskau wOHlaIKh l< ~~;%S BähÜia~~ Ñ;%mgfha l=i,;d mÍlaIKhgo fmkS isg ;sfnkjd' kuq;a tys m%Odk ks<s pß;h i|yd f;dard .ekqfka lÍkd lmQ¾jhs'

15' mSfla Ñ;%mgh fjkqfjka Èklg nq,;aúg 100la kuK imkakg wó¾ Ldkag isÿj ;sfnk w;r Ñ;%mgh rE.; l< uq¿ ld,h we;=<; wó¾ úiska wdikak jYfhka nq,;a úg 10"000la muK imkakg we;s nj i|yka'
16' mSfla Ñ;%mgfhka ;ukaf.a wd.ñl o¾YKhg wmydihla isÿjk nj lshñka yskaÿ wd.ñl ixúOdkhla úiska f.dkq lr ;snQ kvqjla bka§h by< Widúh úiska ksYam%Nd lr we;af;a ~~ Tjeks fudav ;¾l bÈßm;a lrñka Widúfha jákd ld,h kdia;s fkdlrkak~~ hehs meñKs,s md¾Yjfhka b,a,Sulao lrñks'

17' mSfla n,mq flfkl=g wykak ;sfhk iqNu wdrxÑh ;uhs fï Ñ;%mgfha fojk fldgi ks¾udKh lrkak oekgu;a wOHla‍Il jrhd we;=Æ lkavdhu ;Srkh lr ;sîu' - wms fkdokak *s,aïia

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