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f,dßh fmr<S f¾,a msys,s j,g hgù ueojÉÑfha§ fiajlhska 4la ñhhhs - Video

ueojÉÑh biskaneiai., weye,.y jx.=j m‍%foaYfha§ Bfha ^09& rd;‍%S  isÿ jQ y§is ßh wk;=r muKg jvd nr megùu;a f¾,a mS,s iy fiajlhska wkdrla‍Is; whqßka m‍%jdykh lsÍu ksid isÿ jQjla njg uQ,sl mÍla‍IK isÿ lrk ueojÉÑh fmd,Sish úiska iel m, lr isá;s' 

ueojÉÑh isg ls,sfkdÉÑ olajd .uka.;a ÿïßh fomd¾;fïka;=jg wh;a f,dß r:hl ÿïßh mS,s muKg jvd wkdrla‍Is; whqßka m‍%jdykh lsÍu fya;=fjka f,dß r:h md,kh lr .ekSug fkdyelsj ud¾.fhka bj;g mek fmr,Su ksid fuu wk;=r isÿj we;s njg uQ,sl mßla‍IK isÿ lrk ueojÉÑh fmd,Sih úiska m‍%ldY lr;s'

ÿïßh mS,s 45la muK fuys§ m‍%jdykh lr we;s w;r tys§ ÿïßh fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fiajlhska 18 fofkl= .uka fldg we;s w;r f,dß r:h fmrf,k wjia:dfõ§ ÿïßh mS,s u; ys| isá fiajlhskaf.a YÍr u;g f¾,a mS,s jeàu fya;=fjka isõ fofkl= ñh f.dia 14 fofkl= ;=jd, ,nd we;'

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