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W;=f¾ wê wdrla‍Is;
l,dm bvï wlalr odyla
uq,a mÈxÑlrejkag

hqO wmrdO i|yd wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla''

W;=re m%foaYfha wê wdrla‍Is; l,dm f,i hqO yuqodj hgf;a ;snQ bvï wlalr oyil m%udKhla kej; tys uq,a mÈxÑlrejkag ,nd §ug rch ;SrKh lrhs'

ñg wu;rj kef.kysr m%foaYfha wlalr 400l muK m%udKhla o fld<U ckdêm;s ukaÈrh yd wr,sh .y ukaÈrh wjg wê wdrla‍Is; l,dmfha we;s f.dvke.s,s o ck;djg ksoyia lsÍug wud;H uKav,h ;SrKh l, nj wud;H ,laIauka lsßwe,a, mejiSh'
Tyq fï nj lshd isáfha wud;H uKav, ;SrK oekqï §fï uOH yuqfõ§hs'

W;=re m%foaYfhka ksoyia lrk wlalr oyil bvfuka wlalr 220 l hqoaOfhka wj;eka jQ mjq,a 1"022l ck;dj kej; mÈxÑ lrñka wdo¾Y .ïudkhla msysgqùug o rch ;SrKh l, njhs wud;Hjrhd mejiqfõ'

fuu bvï ksoyia lsÍfuka cd;sl wdrlaIdjg lsisÿ ;¾ckhla fkdjk nj Tyq wjOdrKh lf<ah' fuu bvï ksoyia lsÍu fya;=fjka wj;eka l|jqrej, ðj;a jk mqoa.,hkag ;u mÈxÑ ia:dkj,g hdug yels jk njhs wud;Hjrhd mejiqfõ'

Y%S ,xldfõ hqoaOh iufha isÿ jQ nj mjik hqO wmrdO i|yd cd;Hka;r mÍlaIKhla wjYH nj mjiñka W;=re m<d; iïu; l< fhdackdj rch ms<s.kafka fkdue;s nj mejiQ wud;H ,laIauka lsßwe,a, ;j ÿrg;a lshd isáfha rcfha u;h ù ;sfnkafka fuu .egÆjg wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla isÿ lsÍu njhs'

W;=re m%foaYfha ck ixydrhla isÿ jQ njg W;=re m<d;a iNdj iïu; l< fhdackdj fou< cd;sl ikaOdkfha m<d;a iNdfõ wNHka;r foaYmd,k .eg‍¿ ksid isÿ jQ tlla nj wud;H uKav, ;SrK oekqï§fï udOH yuqjg tlaj isá mqkre;a:dmk yd kej; mÈxÑ lsÍfï wud;H ã'tï' iajdñkdoka m%ldY lf<ah'

fou< cd;sl ikaOdkh iu. tlaj W;=f¾ ck;dj uqyqK fok .eg¿ úi£ug rch ieu úgu iqodkï njhs Tyq mejiqfõ'


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