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úu,af.a uiaiskd w;awvx.=jg''
ffu;‍%S jvkafka fuyuo
úu,a wihs''

cd;sl ksoyia fmruqfKa kdhl md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S úu,a ùrjxY uy;df.a ìß|f.a jeäuy¿ fidfydhqrd jk wð;a l=udr w;awvx.=jg f.k we;ehs jd¾;d fjhs'

wi;H lgl;d me;srjQfha hhs mjiñka mE,shf.dv fmd,Sish úiska Tyq fufia w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s njo i|ykah'

fou< cd;sl ikaOdkfha wdOdrlrejka W;=re m<d;a r;s[a[d o,ajñka yuqod l|jqre j,g tajd úis lf,a hhs Tyqg ,o wdrxÑhla iïnkaOfhka ùrjxY uy;d oekqj;a lsÍug ÿrl;k weu;=ula .;a;o Tyq iïnkaO lr .; fkdyels jQfhka Tyqf.a f,alïjrfhl=g weu;=u f.k wod, mKsjqvh oekqï § ;sfí'

flfia fj;;a úrjxY uy;df.a f,alï jrfhl=hhs is;d Tyq weu;=u f.k we;af;a tlu ku we;s fjk;a mqoa.,fhl=g jk w;r Tyq by, fmf,a foaYmd,k ys;j;alïo we;af;ls'

miqj fï iïnkaofhka lrk ,o oekqï§ulg wkqj Bfha miajrefõ lgW;a;rhla§u i|yd wð;a l=udr mE,shf.dv fmd,Sish le|jd we;s w;r tys§ Tyq w;awvx.=jg f.k r|jd ;nd f.k we;'

fï ms<sn| woyia m, l, ùrjxY uy;d mjikafka fuh ;kslru foaYmd,k m,s.ekSula nj;a Tyqg ,o wdrxÑhla ;ukag oekqï §u i|yd muKla wð;a fmf¾rd W;aidy lr we;s nj;ah' kj ffu;‍%S md,kh ffu;‍%S jvkafka fufiaoehs m‍%YaK lrk Tyq ;uka is;kafka fuh ffu;‍%S jeãula fkdj ffjrh jeãula f,i njo lshd isà'

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