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;,a .fõIKh weu;s pïmsl hg;g
flhdka .súiqu fy<s fjhso@ rcfha§ ckdêm;sjrhd hgf;a ;snQ furg f;,a .fõIK lghq;=j, j.lSu ork Lksc iïm;a ixj¾Ok ld¾hxYh ^Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat-PRDS& kj rch hgf;a úÿ,sn, yd n,Yla;s wud;HxYh hg;g m;alr ;sfí'

fï wkqj" furg Lksc f;,a .fõIK lghq;= ms<sn| j.lSu úÿ,sn, yd n,Yla;s wud;H mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;d hg;g m;aj we;'

pïmsl rKjl uy;d miq.shod fpdaokd lf<a ukakdrï fødaKsfha Lksc f;,a yd .Eia .fõIK lghq;= j,§ wl%ñl;d isÿù ;sfnk nj;a f;,a .fõIKh i|yd msúiqKq n%s;dkHh flhdka iud.u ,xldfõ f;,a iïm; fmkajd fvd,¾ ì,shk 7'1 l ,dNhla bmehSug lghq;= lr ;sfnk njhs'

flhdka iud.fï whs;slrejka úiska ,xldfõ .Eia ;sfnk njg m%pdrh lr iud.fï fldgia j,ska ishhg 90 la muKu úl=Kd oeuQ nj;a fï ;=<ska ,xldjg ,eîug ;snQ oejeka; uqo,la wysñ ù .sh nj;a rKjl uy;d tys§ i|yka lr ;snqKs'

,xldfõ rchg fkdokajd fï wdldrfhka fuu iud.fï fldgia úlsKSu jerÈ nj;a flhdka iud.u iy ,xldj w;r we;slrf.k ;sfnk .súiqu wo jk;=re;a md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a lr fkdue;s njg;a rKjl uy;d fpdaokd lr we;'

ukakdrï fødaKsfha Lksc f;,a we;ehs fidhdf.k ;sfnk ìï lv fldgia 08 lg fnod ñka tla fldgila bkaÈhdjg;a ;j;a fldgila Ökhg;a ,nd§ug rch l%shdlr ;snqKs' 

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