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we;a;gu uyskao merÿfka
fou< uqia,sï Pkao j,skao@

ckm;sjrKfha uyskao mrod ffu;%Smd, ch.ekSfuka miq fï Èkj, m%lg ;¾lhlaù we;af;a iq¿ cd;sl Pkao ksid ffu;%smd, úiska uyskao mrdch lrkq ,enQ njls' 

ysgmq ckm;sjrhd ueouq,fka§ ish mdlaIslhska ffO¾hj;a lrkakg zta f.d,af,d Èkafk B<dï Pkao j,skaZ hhso lshd we;s w;r iudc cd, Tiafiao fï woyi ±ka m%p,s;h' 

fï iïnkaO ixLHdf,aLk fmkajk wh lshkafka W;=re kef.kysr fom<d; w;ayeßhfyd;a uyskaog jeä Pkao ysñ njg ;¾lhls'

flfia fj;;a 2010 ir;a f*dakafiald iy uyskao w;r ;r.h;a fujr 2015 ffu;%S uyskao ;r.h;a iie£fï§ Bg jvd fjkia fohla 

fmkS hhs' 

fuu wjia:d foflys§u W;=re kef.kysr yd j;=lrfha Pkao j,ska uyskao mrdoù ;snqKs' kuq;a .shjr iuia; ue;sjrKh f*dkafiald merÿK w;r fujr merÿfka uyskaohs' uyskaog fojru W;=re kef.kysr yd j;=lrfha Pkao ,eî ke;' 

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