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fjf,a iqod fy<sl< kï
3 ksid Tyqf.a Ôú;h

tla wfhla .dhlfhl= f,i m%isoaO fcHIaG fmd,sia ks<Odßfhla''

cd;Hka; l=vq cdjdrï lrejl= jQ fjf,a iqod fkdfyd;a .ïfmd< úodkf.a,df.a fodka jika; l=udr w;a wvx.=jg .ekSfuka miqj l< m%Yak lsÍïj,§ furg l=vq cdjdrug iïnkaO m%Odk mqoa.,hka ;sfofkl=f.a kï fy<s lr ;sfí' 

ta w;r óg fmr l=vq cdjdrïlrejl= f,i ck;d wm%idohg ,laj isák fld<U Èia;%slalh ksfhdackh lrk ;reK tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S jrhl=o" l,la fmd,siam;sjrhl= f,i lghq;= l< tfukau úfoaY OQ; fiajdjlo lghq;= l< ysgmq wud;HxY f,alïjrhl= yd oekg furg isák fcIaG;u fmd,sia ks<Odßhl= o fõ' 

fuu ks<Odßhd .dhlhl=o jk w;r rdcmlaIjre fjkqfjka kS;sh wh:d f,i ndú;d l< ks<Odßhl= f,i l=m%lgh'

flfia kuq;a fuu fy<sorõ lsÍu ksid fjf,a iqodf.a Ôú;h wdrlaId lr.ekSfï oeä m%h;akhl fha§ug fï iïnkaOfhka lghq;= lrk fmd,sia ks<OdÍkag isÿj ;sfí'

mj;sk ;;ajh wkqj Tyqj wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j ;=,§u urd oeóu jqj isÿúh yels njg nrm;, ielhla tu mÍlaIK fufyhjk fmd,sia lKavdhu ;=, jk nj  Bg  wdxÑud¾. mjihs'


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