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uqo,a wud;Hjrhd úiska bÈßm;a l, w;=re wh-jeh jd¾:dfjÈ rch iufha isÿl, hñ ÿIK jxpd lsysmhla iñnkaOfhkao lreKq ioyka lrk ,Èhs'

fuysÈ wud;Hjrhd ioyka lr isáfha rch úiska cd;sl f,d;rehs uKav,fha wruqo,a foaYmd,k wruqKq ioyd fhdod f.k we;s njhs' cd;sl f,d;rehs uKav,fha wruqo,ska re' ñ,shk 270 la muk fuf,i foaYmd,k lghq;= ioyd fhdod f.k we;s njhs'

 ,fujeks jerÈ iy.; f,i wruqo,a fhoùu wjdikdjka; lreKla' b;du;a wjikdjka; lreK jkafka ixj¾Ok f,d;rehs uKav,h uyfmd, m%;s,dNSka ioyd wruqo,a fhoùug W;aiyord fkd;sîu yd fi!LH wud;HdxYhgo  yDo frda.Skaf.a Y,Hl¾u isÿ lsßu ioyd wruqo,a fkdue;s lñka Ⱦ> ld,hla fmdfrd;a;= f,aLKfha isáug isÿùu nj, wud;Hjrhd m%ldY lr isáhdh'

tfukau tñ'whs' 17 j¾.fha fy,sfldmag¾ hdkd ñ,È .ekSfuÈ idlÑcd lr tl.j isá .Kk weußldkq fvd,¾ ñ,shk 200la jqj;a .kqfoKqj isÿj we;af;a we'fvd' ñ,shk 450 lg nj;a" fuu .kqfokqfjka we'fvd'ñ,shk 250 la ^ì,shk 33la& wysñjq njhs'

rcfha iñm;a kdia;sh ioyd fydou WodyrKh f,i rch úiska uyck uqo,a j,ska remsh,a ñ,shk 760 lg jeä m%udKhla fmdÿ rdcH uKav,Sh l%svd Wf<, Y%s ,xldfj meje;aùu ioyd úhoñ lr we;' iuyr rdcH ks,Odßkao fuu l%shdj,sh ioyd iDcqj ueÈy;aj we;s njg f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lr f.k we;ehs uqo,a wud;Hjrhd fuysÈ m%ldY lr isáhdh'

mdvq ,nk Y%s ,kalka .=jka iud.u úiska uE;lÈ lrk ,o .=jka hdkd ñ, È .eksfu l%shdj,sho wkjYH kdia;sldr úhoula nj uqo,a wud;Hjrhd ish whjeh l;dfjÈ m%ldY lr isáhdh' fuu .=jka hdkd ioyd we' fvd,¾ ñ,shk 15 la ^remsh,a ì,shk 1'95 la& jákd m%Nq meflachla wvx.= lr we;s w;r th fkdñf,a msßkud we;' fuysÈ  u;=jk .egÆj jkafka m%Nq meflac fkdue;sj fuu .=jkahdkdfj ñ, idlÑcd u.ska wvq lsßug lghq;= fkdlsßu nj hehs uqo,a weu;sjrhd ioyka lr isáhdh'

tfukau isfI,aia ys isÿlr ;sfnk WmdhYs,s fkdjk wfhdack iñnkaOfhka fidhd ne,sug ks, ú.Kkhla yd mßlaIK wdrñN lrk nj;a iqÆ Y%s ,dxlslhska msßila isák isfI,aia ys ,xld nexl=fj cd;Hka;r YdLdjla msysgqùu hqla;siy.;o hkak .ek fidhd n,k nj uqo,a weu;s rú lreKdkdhl uy;d ish whpeh l;dfjÈ wjOdrKh lr isáhdh'

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