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tcdm uka;%Ska wr,sh.y ueÿf¾ ixpdrhl
(photos + Video) ckdêm;sjrKfha§ wr,sh.y ukaÈrh , ikaOdkfha ckdêm;s fufyhqu uOHia:dkh f,i mj;ajdf.k f.dia we;snj úfoaYlghq;= ksfhdacH wud;H wð;a mS. fmfrrd uy;d mejiSh'

w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.a Wmfoia u; wr,sh.y ukaÈrh mßlaIdlsÍfï§ pdßldjlg udOHfõ§ka yd tlafjñka fyf;u fïn j mejeish. 

' ta" 

wkjYH kùlrKhka /ila tys isÿlr we;ehs udOHfõ§kag fmkajd foñka'

wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha ldurfhka ldurh mßlaId lsÍfï§ w;yer ,smsf.dkq yuqù ;sfí'

fuu ,smsf.dkq flfrys wjOdkh fhduq lsÍfï§ ue;sjrKh Wfoid úúO mqoa.hkag ,ndÿka uqo,a ms<sno ßisám;a yuqù we;s w;r rcfha by, ;k;=re orK mqoa.,hskao ta w;r isg njo wud;Hjrhd m%ldY lf<ah.

wr,sh.y ukaÈrh mßlaIdlsÍfï§ w;s úYd, f,i uyck uqo,a jehfldg idok ,o úúO f.dvke.s,s wud;Hjrekaf.a wjOdkhg fhduq úh'

ck;dj u; wêl nÿ mkjd isÿlrk fujeks l%shd ms<snoj ck;dj oekqj;al< hq;=nj fuys§ wud;H lKavdhu lf<ah'

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