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,xldfõ ,eïfnda.sks ;shkjd
uhsfl%da ld¾ iNdm;sf.ka fy<sorõjla

,eïfnda.sks keu;s b;d,s fudag¾ r:h fï Èkj, ,xldfõ foaYmd,k lafIa;%fha WKqiqï ud;Dldjla njg m;aù ;sfí' ,eïfnda.sks wf,úfha furg ksfhdað;hd f,i lghq;= lrk uhsfl%da ld¾ wkqnoaOEuro Sportsiud.fï iNdm;sjrhd jk wdpd¾h f,darkaia fmf¾rd uy;d wm iu. mejiqfõ ,xldfõ fofofkl= i;=j fujeks fudag¾ r: ;sfnk njhs'

zzfudag¾ r: Odjk YQrfhl= jk ä,ka; ud,.uqj i;=j;a ;j;a jHdmdßlfhl= i;=j;a ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r: tl ne.ska ;sfnkjd' Tjqka tajd ñ,§ .;af;a wm iud.fuka fkfjhs' ksIamdok iud.u ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r:hla ,xldfõ wf,úlrkjd kï fï jkúg isÿlrkafka wfma iud.u u.skqhs' wms lsisÿ ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r:hla ,xldfõ ;ju wf,ú lr kE' oekg ,xldfõ ;sfnk ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r: fol ñ,§f.k ;sfnkafka fjk;a rg j,ska' ksIamdok iud.u yer fjk;a rglska ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r:hla f.kajkjd kï wm iud.u yryd f.kaúh hq;= jkafka kE'ZZ

hkqfjka wdpd¾h f,darkaia fmf¾rd uy;d mejiSh'

Euro Sports iud.u úiska fï jkúg ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r: ;=kla ,xldfõ wf,úhg ;nd ;sfnk nj;a fuu fudag¾ r:hla fjkqfjka ksIamdok ,efnkafka remsh,a ñ,shk 25 l muK uqo,la nj;a mejiQ wdpd¾h f,darkaia fmf¾rd uy;d i|yka lf<a fuu fudag¾ r:fhka remsh,a ñ,shk 65 la rch nÿ f,i ,nd.kakd njhs'

zz,xldfõ ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r:hla wf,ú lrkafka remsh,a ñ,shk 91 la jeks ñ,lghs' wm fudag¾ r:hla wf,ú lf<d;a ,efnkafka remsh,a ñ,shkhla ú;r ,dNhla' fuu fudag¾ r:h jefgkafka iqfLdamfNda.S fudag¾ r: ldKavhg fkfjhs' fuh wê ;dlaIKsl wêfõ.S fudag¾ r:hla'ZZ

zz,eïfnda.sks hk ikakduh f,dalfha m%p,s; fj,d ;sfnkafka tys ;sfnk wê ;dlaIKh fya;=fjka' fuu fudag¾ r:h mehlg lsf,da óg¾ 250 l muK fõ.hlska .uka l< yels tlla' fuh wê iqfLdamfNda.S fudag¾ r:hla f,i we;uqka i|yka lsÍu jerÈhs'ZZ

hkqfjka wdpd¾h f,darkaia fmf¾rd uy;d jeäÿrg;a lSh'

hful=g ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r:hla ñ,§.ekSfï yelshdjla ;sfnkjd kï rchg ksis mßÈ nÿ f.jñka tjeks fudag¾ r: wf,ú lsÍfï jrola fkdue;s nj;a fudag¾ r:hla wf,ú lsÍfuka remsh,a ñ,shk 65 la jeks nÿ uqo,la rchg ,eîfuka thska rcfha nÿ wdodhu irejkq we;s nj;a wdpd¾h f,darkaia fmf¾rd uy;df.a woyihs'

zzwfma iud.fï ,eïfnda.sks iïnkaOfhka lghq;= lrk ld¾ñlhska fndfyda fofkl=g f,dalfha fyd| /lshd wjia:djka ,enqKd' ;j;a whg tjeks wjia:d ,efí hehs ud úYajdi lrkjd' thg fya;=j jkafka fuu fudag¾ r:fha ;sfnk wê ;dlaIKsl iajNdjhhs'ZZ

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