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isx.mamQre .sh ;siai 
Bfha md¾,sfïka;= wdj;a
wiqkla ke;sj yeÍ .syska

tcdm ysgmq uyf,alï ;siai w;a;kdhl miq.shod ish mlaI fmr<sfhka miq Èk lsysmhlg fi!LH weu;s moú ,enqj;a ckm;sjrK m%;sM, wkqj Tyq iydh ±lajQ uyskaof.a mrdch;a iu. hk tk ux ke;s lr.;af;ah'foaYmd,k b.ekakqï nia wkqj rks,a - ffu;%S jHdc .súiqula .ek mejiSu;a thg kvq jeàu;a ksid Tyqg h<s tcdmhg tkakg ys;kakgj;a neßh'
Tyq orejka iu. isx.mamQrejg .sfha

fï fjkiska miq is; yod .kakgh'
isx.mamQre ixpdrfhka miq Bfha md¾,sfïka;= m%:u iNdjdrhg tlaùfï wáfhka Tyq ,xldjg meñK ;snqK;a Bfha isoaOù we;af;a fjk;a fohls'
Bfha md¾,sfïka;=j /iaùfï§ ;siai w;a;kdhl uy;d ;udg wdKavq mlaIfha wiqkla ,ndfokfuka l;dkdhl pu,a rdcmlaI b,a,d we;s nj jd¾;d jqKd'

Tyq lshd we;af;a ;ud lsis Èk tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfhka bj;ajQfha fkdue;s njls'
kuq;a tu b,a,Sug Tyqg hym;a m%;spdr ,eî ke;'
md¾,sfïka;= uy f,alï Oïñl oikdhl uy;d Tyqg fjkalr ;snqfKa úmlaIfha fojk fm< wiqkls'
kuq;a ;udg wdKavq mlaIfha wiqkla ,efnk ;=re md¾,sfïka;= /iaùug tlajkakg neß nj lshd we;s Tyq Bfha md¾,sfïka;= mqia;ld,hgù ld,h .; fldg we;s nj jd¾;d jqKd'
úmlaIfha wiqka .;fyd;a ish uka;%SOqrh wysñùfï wjodkula we;ehs m%ldY lrñka úmlaIfha wiqka .ekSu m%;slafIam fldg we;s Tyq miqj md¾,sfïka;=fjka msgj f.dia ;snqK njo Bfha jd¾;d jqKd'

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