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ysr .jqula wekao
cel,skag jqkq weneoaÈh

Kick *s,aï tflka fï ojia j, yq.dla ckm%sh fj,d bkak Jacqueline Fernandez g ,ÕÈ yß jevla jqkd'ta .ek wehuTwitter yryd lsõfõ f.dvdla wmyiq;djhg m;a jqkq wjia;djla lsh,d'

.sh bßod"bkaÈhdfõ meje;ajqKq Star Guild Awards 2015 ys§" weh ieris,d ysáfha bkaÈhdfõ fudaia‌;r ks¾udK Ys,amsfhla jk f.!rõ  .=ma;d ks¾udKh lrk ,o ,iaik iqÿ meye;s .jqulska'
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iïudk rd;%sh meje;ajqKq Yd,djg hkak mä k.skak;a isoao fj,d' weúo .kakj;a nerej fldfyduo mä k.skafka@

ta fj,dfõ§ iïudk Wf<, ixúOdhlfhda lsysm fofkla weú,a,d wehj jvdf.k ;uhs Yd,djg f.ksyska ;sfhkafka'tfyu hkak jqkq tl yßu wmyiq;djhg m;a jqkq wjia:djla lsh,dJacqueline lsh,d ;snqKd'

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