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nia‌ ßhla‌ ;=<§ 15 yeúßÈ isiqúhg
w;jr l<ehs foore mshd ßudkaâ

nia‌ r:hla‌ ;=<§ 15 yeúßÈ mdi,a YsIHdjlg w;jrhla‌ l< nj lshk 38 yeúßÈ foore mshl= fuu ui 23 Èk ola‌jd rla‌Is; nkaOkd.dr.; lrk f,i l¿;r m%Odk ufyia‌;%d;a wð;a tï' udisxy uy;d fmf¾od 19 od ksfhda. lf<ah'

fuys iellre jQfha .d,a, fm,ska.ia‌fyak lrdf.dv mÈxÑlrefjls'

.d,a, - fld<U fm!oa.,sl nia‌ r:hla‌ ;=<§ bl=;a 19 jeksod Woeik mdi,a hñka isá fuu YsIHdjg iellre , w;jr lr we;ehs o YsIHdj y~kjd ÿgq nia‌ r:fha msßila‌ fldkafodia‌;rjrhdg okajd iellre fmd,sishg Ndrÿka njo l¿;r ol=K uQ,ia‌:dk m%Odk fmd,sia‌ mÍla‌Il iïm;a nKa‌vdr uy;d wêlrKhg bÈßm;a l< jd¾;dfõ oela‌fõ'

l¿;r ol=K fmd,sisfha ldka;d yd <ud ld¾hdxYfha ia‌:dkdêm;s ixÔjkS m;srK uy;añh úiska mÍla‌IK meje;aùfï§ iellreg 11 yeúßÈ Èh‚hl yd 7 yeúßÈ mq;l= isák nj wkdjrKh ù we;'

kvq fufyhqï wxYfha fmd,sia‌ ks,Odß ^55301& .=fKakaø ldka;d fldia‌;dm,a ^7514& ;s<s‚ hk uy;au uy;aóyq iellre wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lrñka meñ‚,a, fufyhjQy'

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