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wkshï iïnkaOh Ôú;hu úkdY lrhs

wkshï iïnkaO;d ms<sno mqj;a tÈfkod Ôú;fhaÈ wmg ks;r wikakg ,efnkjd' t

f,i wikakg ,efnk l;d w;rg ;j;a wkshï iïnkaO;djhla ms<snoj wmg jd¾;d jqKd' 

;ukaf.a o lr Wig lsÜgqfjka orefjl= isák ujla ;u ksji bÈßmsg isák ;reKfhl= iu. wkshï iïnkaO;djhla mj;ajkjd' kuq;a th tlaÈklg muKhs 
iSud jkafka'

 iq¿ jrola jQj;a th wef.a Ôú;hg n,mdkafka flfia o @ ta .ek oek.kak kï Tng ;j;a Èk folla n,d isàug isÿjkjd'The Boy Next Door fyd,sjqvfhka tk ;j;a wmQre Ñ;%mghla'

 fuu Ñ;%mgh ckjdß ui 23 jeksod ߧ  ;srhg meñ”ug kshñ;hs' fuys m%Odk pß;hg mK fmdjkq ,nkafka iqmsß .dhsld fcks*¾ f,dafmaia'

The Boy Next Door Ñ;%mgfha mQ¾j m%pdrl ùäfhdaj my;ska n,kak'''''

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