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iqmsß jdis noafoka
jHdmdßl m%cdj le<fò noaog hg;aúh yels iud.ï akfuk

kj rcfha w;=re whjeh u.ska oejeka; iud.ï fj; .id ;sfnk iqmsß noao ^super gains tax& ms<sn|j úfrdaO;djhla fï jkúg jHdmdßl m%cdj ;=<ska we;sù ;sfí'

fï ms<sn|j wm iu. woyia olajñka wd¾:sl úYaf,aIlfhl= jk yis; fma%ur;ak uy;d mejiqfõ fuu noao w;S;fha ,dN fjkqfjka whlr ;sîu  m%Yakhla
njhs' 2013-14 uqo,a jif¾§ remsh,a ì,shk 02 lg jeä ,dN ,enQ iud.ï u; ishhg 25 l noaola wh lsÍug fuhska fhdackd lr ;sfí'

wm fj; wkdjrKh jk wdldrhg fuu noao ksid fld<U fldgia fj<| fmdf<a ,hsia;=.; lr ;sfnk iud.ï 20 lg jeä m%udKhlg m%n, n,mEula isÿjk w;r ÿrl;k iud.ï j,g fuys§ fome;a;lska nÿ jefgk ;;a;ajhla we;sù we;'

fï wkqj" fuu iqmsß jdis noaog fcdaka lS,aia fyda,aäka.aia" äiaá,Íia" isf,daka gqneflda" ld¾ikaia" nqlsÜ vdrd" thsÜlka iafmkaia" fkiaf,a" ´j¾iS ßh,aá" welaiia bxðkshßx" ,xld bka§h f;,a iud.u" ,xld ÆíßlkaÜ"AHPLHHL" iy fgdalsfhda isfuka;s hk iud.ï hg;aùfï jeä bvlvla ;sfnk w;r uQ,H wxYh ksfhdackh lrk fldu¾I,a" yegka keIk,a" iïm;a"ã't*a'iS'iS" fi,dka" NTBNDB" hk nexl= iy fi,skaflda rlaIK iud.u" fikag%,a *hskEkaia" mSm,aia ,Sisx hk iud.ïo fuu noao hg;g jeàfï bvlvla we;'

fuu nÿ ìh ksid fld<U fldgia fj<| fmd< ^30&od ishhg 2'7 lska muK my< jegqKq w;r ^30& miajrefõ fld<U cehsla ys,agka fydag,fha mej;s miq whjeh iïuka;%Kfha§ fuu iqmsß jdis noao .ek úfYaI wjOdkhla fhduqlr ;snqKs'

fuys§" ke.=Kq mekhlg ms<s;=re ,ndfoñka uy nexl= wêm;s w¾cqk ufyao%ka uy;d mejiqfõ È.= ld,Skj wdfhdack úYajdih m¿ÿùug fuu noao fya;=jkq we;ehs ;uka fkdis;k nj;a rcfha flá ld,Sk wdodhï wjYH;djhka imqrd .ekSug muKla fuu noao y÷kajd § ;sfnk njhs'

fuh tla jrla muKla whlrk wkd.;fha§ l%shd;aul fkdjk noaola nj uqo,a wud;H rù lreKdkdhl uy;d wjOdrKh lf<ah'

wd¾:sl úYaf,aIl yis; fma%ur;ak uy;d mejiqfõ fuu noao whlrk wdldrh ms<sn|j rch úiska bÈßfha§ oekqj;a lrkq we;ehs n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk nj;a fï iïnkaOfhka jHdmdßl m%cdjg m%Yak /ila ;sfnk njhs'

fuu iud.ï j,ska we;eï tajd ld,fha§ ishhg 28 la nÿ f.jd ;sfnk nj;a ishhg 25 la jk fuu noao tl;= jQ miqj th ishhg 53 la olajd by< hk ksid ta ms<sn|j meyeÈ,s lsÍula wjYH jknj;a fyf;u i|yka lf<ah'

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