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yÍka W!fõ uy weu;s jk ,l=Kq 

W!j m<d;a iNdfõ nyq;r n,h tlai;a cd;sl mlaIhg we;s nj mjiñka  ta wkqj  W!j m<d;a iNdfõ  m‍%Odk wud;Hjrhd f,i yßka m‍%kdkaÿ uy;d m;alrkakehs uka;‍%Sjreka 17 fofkl=f.a Èjqreñ m‍%ldY bÈßm;a lrñka W!j m<d;aiNdfõ úmlaIkdhl yÍka m‍%kdkaÿ uy;d tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha uka;S‍%sjre 11 fofkla iy Y‍%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI uka;‍%s jäfõ,a iqf¾I hk uy;ajre  W!j wdKavqldr iS kkao ue;sõ uy;df.ka b,a,d isáhy'

Bg meh nd.hlg muK miq W!j wdKavqldr;=ud yuqjq uka;‍%s cdkl  ;siail=Üá wdrÉÑ  uka;‍%sjrhd  ;ud ÿka Èjqreñ m‍%ldYh ;yjqre lf<ah '

Tyq tlai;a  cd;sl mlaIfha fudKrd., Èia;‍%slalfhaka m,d;a iNdj f;aßm;ajq uka;‍%sjrfhla jk w;r ckdêm;sjrKhg Èk lSmhla ;sìhÈ Tyq ckdêm;s  uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg iydh m, lsßug lghq;= lf<ah' tfy;a Tyq mejiqfõ ;ud tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfhka bj;afkdjq njhs'

h,s me;a; udrelsßu .ek udOHj,g woyia olajñka Tyq mejiqfõ ;udf.a l,K ñ;=rd jk yÍka m‍%kdkaÿ uy;d uy weu;s jkjdg we;s oeä wdYdj yd uq¿ rgu ffu;‍%S md,kh wkqu; lsßu ksid fï ;srKh .;anjhs'

udOHfõÈka fj; woyia oelajq W!j m<d;a iNdfõ tlai;a cd;sl mlaI uka;‍%s rùkaø iurùr uy;d mejiqfõ " tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh;a  fï ;dlal,a wdKavq mlaIhg iydhÿka uka;‍%sjre 5 fofkl=;a W!j m<d;aiNdfõ m‍%Odk wud;Hjrhd f,i yßka m‍%kdkaÿ uy;d m;alsßug iydh m,lrñka Èjqreñ m‍%ldY bÈßm;al, njhs' Èk lSmhla ;=, m‍%Odk wud;Hjrhd f,i yÍka m‍%kdkaÿ uy;d Èjqreñ fok nj;a bkamqi wud;H uKav,h m;alr W!fõ ixj¾Ok lghq;= wrUk nj;a fyf;u ioyka lf,ah'

úmlaI kdhl yßka m‍%kdkaÿ uy;d woyia olajñka mejiqfõ fï wjia:dj fjkúg  W!j m<d;a iNdfõ uka;‍%S OQr 34 ka  17ofofkl=f.a iyfhda.h tlai;a cd;sl mla‍Ihg ,eì we;s w;r  tlai;a  ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkhg we;af;a uka;‍%S OQr 15 la mukla njhs'

W!j wdKavqldr iS'kkao ue;Sõ uy;d'fufia mejiSh

yÍka m‍%kdkaÿ uy;df.a m‍%Odk;ajfhka 17 fofkla Èõreï fm;aiï wo Ndr§,d ;sfhkjd' ;j 04 fofkla fyg Wfoa weú;a udj uqK .efikjd' oeka weú;a bkak wh iuÕ iïmQ¾Kfhka l;d lr,d leue;a; u; fuh w;aika lr,d ;sfhkafka lsh,d ug Tmamq lr,d fmkaj,d ;sfhkjd' ta w;r fyg wfkla msßi wdjg miafia ta u;h tfyu kï ug ms<s.kak fjkjd' uf.a mru hq;=lu" fï jf.a lKavdhula weú;a udj uqK.eyqKd lsh,d oekg bkak m‍%Odk wud;H;=udg okajk tl' Tn;=udg óg jeämsßila bÈßm;a lrkak mq¿jkao lsh,d lshk tl'

tfyu neßjqfKd;a fï wh §mq Èõreï fm;aiï Ndr wrf.k bÈß lghq;= lrkak isoaO fjkjd'’’hehso wdKavqldrjrhd mejiSh W!j m<d;a iNdfõ uka;‍%SOQr ixLHdj 34 ls' tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha uka;‍%Sjreka ixLHdj 13 la jk w;r tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ixOdkfha uka;‍%Sjreka ixLHdj 19 ls' ck;d úula;s fmruqfKa uka;‍%Sjreka ixLHdj 02 ls'

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