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iSfI,aia uyskaof.a j;alï ms<sn|
mÍlaIK j,g iydh §ug iQodkï

Y%S ,xldfõ ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a j;alï ms<sn|j mÍlaIK lsÍu i|yd bÈßm;a lrk ish¿u úêu;a b,a,Sï j,g iyfhda.h oelaùug iQodkï nj iSfI,aia rdcH mjid we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

iSfI,aia úfoaY wud;HxYh úiska Bfha ksl=;a lr ;sfnk ksfõokhlska fï nj i|yka lr ;sfnk w;r iSfI,aia rdcHh iu. uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ;snQ iïnkaO;djh u; trg j;alï i.jd we;ehs j;auka rch úiska t,a, lrk fpdaokdjkag m%;spdr olajñka fï nj i|yka lr we;'

fidrlï lrk j;alï ie.ùu i|yd iSfI,aia rdcHh lÈu ia:dkhla hehs j;auka rcfha we;eï wh k.k fpdaokdjka m%;slafIam lrk nj fuys§ jeäÿrg;a lreKq olajñka iSfI,aia úfoaY wud;H Ôka fmd,a wevï i|yka lr ;sfí'

Tyq i|yka lr we;af;a Y%S ,dxlslhska úiska iSfI,aia rdcHfha lr ;sfnk ish¿u wdfhdack forg w;r w;aika lr ;sfnk oaú;aj nÿ je,elaùfï .súiqug wkqj fy<sl, yels njhs' rch úiska iSfI,aia rdcHfha ,xld nexl= YdLdjla újD; lr ;sfnk w;r Y%S ,xlka yd ñyska ,xld forg w;r .=jka .uka l%shd;aul lf<ah' uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d jif¾§ iSfI,aia rdcHfha ixpdrh l< w;r trg Y%S ,xld uy flduidßia ld¾hd,hlao újD; lrk ,§'

trg úfoaY wud;Hjrhd wjOdrKh lr ;sfnkafka forg w;r f.dvke.=Kq fuu in|;djhka b;du;a jeo.;a tajd njhs' 

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