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wdrlaIdjg wod, lsis÷ by<
;k;=rla f*dkafialdg
fkdfokakehs wdrlaIl wxY
j,ska rchg úfrdaOhla

wksjd¾h úY%du hjkq ,enQ ufyaIa fiakdkdhl hqo yuqodm;s lrkakehs f*dkafiald b,a,,d''

ysgmq hqO yuqodm;s ir;a f*dkafiald uy;dg wdrlaIdjg wod, lsis÷ by< ;k;=rla fkdfokakehs wdrlaId wxY m%Odkska f.ka kj rchg n,j;a b,a,Sula bÈßm;aù we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

f*dkafialdg uy;dg wdrlaIl lafIa;%hg wod< ;k;=rla ,ndÿkfyd;a" Tyq wdrlaId wxY m%Odkska fndfydafofkl=f.ka m<s.kq we;s njg;a" Tyqf.a ys;j;=kag úfYaI wkq.%yhla olajkq we;s njg;a jQ  ielfhka hq;=j tu b,a,Su lr we;'

tfy;a tu b,a,Sï iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;sjrhd fyda w.ue;sjrhd fuf;la lsis÷ m%;spdrhla olajd fkdue;'

fï w;r" yuqod fiajfhka wksjd¾h úY%du hjkq ,enQ fïc¾ fckrd,a ufyaIa fiakdkdhl uy;d kj hqo yuqodm;s f,im;a lrkakehs ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d rcfhka b,a,Sula lr we;'

foaYmd,k fya;+ka u; ufyaIa fiakdkdhl uy;dj rch wksjd¾h ksjdvq hjkq ,eîh'

hqo fufyhqï /ilg iïnkaO jQ ta uy;d miqj vqndhs fj; f.dia‌ .=jka iud.ul by< Oqrhla‌ oeÍh'

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