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fidaur;ak Èidkdhl rEmjdysksfha
iNdm;s lsÍu .ek i;=gq keye
rx.k Ys,amS fi!uH ,shkf.a

fidaur;ak Èidkdhl uy;d rEmjdysksfha iNdm;s lsÍu .ek ;ud i;=gq ke;s nj  m%ùK rx.k Ys,amS fi!uH ,shkf.a uy;d mqj;am;lg mjid ;snqKd't;=ud lshd isáfha  oeka wmsg ;sfhk m%Yakh ljqo ldjo bj;a fkdlrkafka lshk m%Yakh  njhs'
jeäÿr woyia olajd ;snqK mqj;am;a igyk fufiah

rEmjdysks ixia:dfõ kj iNdm;s f,i fidaur;ak Èidkdhlj m;alsÍu ms<sn|j fi!uH ,shkf.a i;=gq fjkjo

nyq;rhla l,dlrefjda uQ,sl kS;sfha fjkila" iajdêm;H m%ldYk ksoyi" l,dj" ksoyi wd§ foaj,aj, hï fjkilg hd yelshs lshk ;ek b|f.khs l%shdlf<a' kuq;a wfma rchla m;alr.kakjd hk woyiska thg odhl jqfKa keye'

hï hï wdh;kj," ixia:dj, m;alsÍï .ek wmsg hï ix{d my< fjñka ;snqKd' idïm%dohsl l%uhu bÈßhg;a isÿfjhs lsh,d wmsg ielixld ;snqKd' úlaIsma; jkak ;rï fohla keye' tksid fï m;alsÍu .ek wi;=gqhs lsh,d wuq;=fjka lsj hq;= keye' oeka wmsg ;sfhk m%Yakh ljqo ldjo bj;a fkdlrkafka lshk m%Yakh'

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