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weu;s uKav,fha kEoEfhda

ksoyia ,xldfõ n,hg m;ajQ iEu wdKavqjlu mdfya tlsfkldg {‍d;s in|;d we;s mqoa.,fhda weu;s ;k;=re oerEy' ksoyia ,xldfõ m<uq weu;s uKav‍,fha ã'tia fiakdkkdhl iy vâ,s fiakdkdhl msh mq;= hq.,h jQy' tneúka wfma rfÜ weu;s uKav,hl idudðlhska w;r tlsfkld {d;Ska jk mqoa.,hska isàu wreuhla fkdfõ'

j;auka weu;s uKav,fhao tlsfkldg {d;Ska jk lsysm fofkl= olakg we;af;ah' nqoaO Ydik" rdcH mßmd,k" m<d;a iNd iy m<d;a md,k yd m%cd;ka;%Sh md,k weu;s lrE

chiQßh uy;d ixpdrl yd l%Svd weu;s kùka Èidkdhl uy;df.a ududKaäh fja' ta kùka Èidkdhl uy;d újdy ù isákqfha lrE chiQßh uy;df.a ÈhKsh jk ,xld chiQßh uy;añh iu. ùu fya;=fjks' Tjqka fofokd leìkÜ uKav,fha isák {d;Ska fofokd fõ'

w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.a uiaiskdjre fofofklao weu;s uKav,fha idudðlfhda fj;s' ta uyskao rdcmlaI wdKavqfjka fjkaj ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d iu. tlajQ" j;auka Wiia wOHdmk rdcH weu;s rÔj úf–isxy uy;d iy fhdjqka fmruqfKa iNdm;s" wdrlaIl rdcH wud;H rejka úf–j¾Ok uy;dh' Tjqka fofokdu rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.a kekaoKshka fofofkl=f.a mq;=ka fõ' ta wkqj rÔõ úf–isxy yd rejka úf–j¾Ok {d;s ifydaorfhda fj;s'

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