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úmlaIh rcldf,a m‚úv
hjmq yeá rkacka lshhs

fmdÿ úmla‍Ihg tlaùu ioyd wdKavq mla‍Ifha .ïmy Èia;s‍%lalfhka ,enqKq b,a,Sula m‍%;sla‍fIam jQ nj tlai;a cd;sl mla‍I md¾,sfïka;= uka;S‍% rkacka rdukdhl uy;d mjikjd' fld<U§ mej;s udOH yuqjlg tlafjñka rkacka rdukdhl uy;d fï nj lshdisáhd' 

úmla‍Ifha ryis.; ixksfõok lghq;= isÿjQ wdldrh ms<snojo rkacka rdukdhl uy;d fuys§ lreKq oelajqjd'
oeka wms mdúÉÑ lf,a rcldf,a mdúÉÑ l, l%uhla' oeka lÜáh flda,a lrkafka keye' biair lf,a ,shqula B;,fha .eg .y,d úÈkjd' ke;a;ï mrúfhlaf.a ll=f,a .eg .y,d ;uhs m‚úvh hjkafka'
oeka wms wdfha mrK l%uhg .sh' oeka yeuúgu fï fmdÿ wfmalaIlhdj ;SrKh jqfka" yïnqfka ,shqï j,ska' ;emEf,a .sfha yïfnk ñáka' fg,sf*daka gema lr,d ;sfnk ksid fï wdKavqfjka ljodj;a ÿrl;kfhka l;d fl< keye'
fldÉpr ;dlaIkh ÈhqKq jqk;a" fldÉpr fydr uerlï lrkak yeÿj;a wdKavqfjka wms ta ish¨‍ foaj,a mro,d 08 fjksodg ia:djr md,khla wrUkak" ffu;%S hq.hla wrUkak wem lem fj,d jev lrkjd'

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