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ue;s weue;sjre we;=¿ 200lg w,a,ia fldñiug meñ‚,s
fpdaokd we;s foaYmd,k{hkag ráka msgùu j<lajkak - rkacka ‍-

tlai;a cd;sl mla‍I md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S rkacka rdukdhl uy;d úiska ikaOdk rcfha ysgmq ue;s weue;sjreka we;=¿ 200lg wêl msßilg tfrysj w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñiug meñ‚,s lr we;'

 rdukdhl uy;d mjikafka rch hgf;a lghq;= l< wud;Hjreka" ksfhdacH wud;Hjreka yd uq,H iy wdh;k m‍%OdkSkag tfrysj fuu meñ‚,s l, njhs'fpdaokd t,a, ù we;s foaYmd,k{hka ráka msgj hdu je<elaùug jydu mshjr .; hq;= nj;a ta i|yd jydu úu¾Yk meje;aúh hq;= nj Tyq mejiSh'

w,a,ia iy ¥IK fldñifï fpdaokd mj;sk foaYmd,k{hka msßila ráka m,d hdug iqodkï jk nj;a Bg fmr Tjqka f.a úfoaY .uka n,m;% wfydais l< hq;= nj;a Tyq meñ‚<s lr ;sfí' wNskj ckdêm;sjrhdf.a iy w.ue;sjrhdf.a YsIaG iïmkak lu wdhqOhla lr.ksñka fï jxpkslhkag yd ¥Is;hkag kS;sfhka mekhdug bvfkdfok nj mjik rkacka rdukdhl uy;d bkaÈhdfõ neka.f,da¾ jeks wêlrKhla wmsg wjYH njo fmkajd fohs'

tjeks wêlrKhlska ch,,s;d jeks m%n, kdhsldjlg tfrysjo kS;sh l%shd;aul l< w;r tjeks ch,,s;djre yd ch,,s;ajre wfma rfÜo isák nj mejiQ ta uy;d wmgo tjeks wêlrKhl wjYH;djh we;sù ;sfnk njo jeäÿrg;a mejiSh'

bkaÈhdfõ ch,d,s;dg tfrysj .sh wrúkao iajdó jeks pß;hl wjYH;djh wfma rggo wjYH nj fmkajdfok ta uy;d wrúkao iajdó bkaÈhdfõ isÿl< ld¾h ;ud úiska bgqlrk njo fmkajdÿkafkah' ;udg wjYH ¥Is; foaYmd,{hska furg foaYmd,kfhka bj;a lr ck;djg fiajh lrk wjxl kdhlhska rgg b;sßlr§u nj ta uy;d mejiSh' ;ud ffjÍfoaYmd,kh wkqu; fkdlrk w;r ¥Is;hskag muKla ovqjï ,nd§u fjkqfjka fmkS isák nj wjOdrKh lf<ah'

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