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w.ue;s rks,a
wr,sh.y mÈxÑhg tkakEÆ

wr,sh.y ueÿf¾
uQÿ j;=r - WKq j;=r
mQ,a fofla l;dj

w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d wo ish ;k;=f¾ rdcldÍ wr,sh.y ukaÈr ld¾hd, mßY%fha§ wdrïN l<d' kuq;a w.ue;sjrhd yd ffu;%s úl%uisxy uy;añh mÈxÑh i|yd wr,sh.y ukaÈrhg fkdmeñfKk nj w.ue;s ld¾hd,h ksfõokh lr ;sfnkjd'
wo tys mej;s

wd.ñl j;dj;a i|yd uyd ix>r;akh iyNd.SjqKd'
wdpd¾h b;a;Emdk Oïud,xldr " ;%Sl=Kdu,fha wdkkao" fldgqf.dv Oïudjdi" .srdfò wdkkao " udÿ¿jdfõ fidaNs;" ndk., Wm;siai we;=¿ ix>r;akh thg tlajQy'
tys§ wkqYdikdjla l< Oïud,xldr ysñhka wjOdrKh lf<a hymd,khla yd Ys,dpdr wdKavqjla h<s ia:dms; lsÍfï§ foaYmd,k{hska fukau ks,OdÍka o wjxlj yd

lemùfuka lghq;= l< hq;= njls'

fï w;r wr,sh.y ukaÈrh uyck;djg m%o¾Ykh l< hq;= njg md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S rkacka rdukdhl miq.shod m%ldYhla lr ;snqKd' Tyq lshd isáfha w.ue;s fm%auodif.ka miq th ckm;s ukaÈrh f,i ;nd.;a fndfyda fokd jßkajr isÿ l< m%;sixialrK .ek lsisjla udOHhg jd¾;d fkdjQ nj;a wo jkúg wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha jeäfofkl= fkdokakd úYañ; bÈlsÍï we;s nj;a lsõjd'

ta w;r uqyqÿ j;=r msyskqï ;gdlhla yd WKqj;=r msysKqï ;gdlhlao ;sfnk nj;a tu uqyqÿ j;=r Èk follg jrla udre lsÍug úfYaI tallhlao ia:dms; lr ;snqK nj;a Tyq lshd ;snqKd'

fï fya;=fjka uyck uqo,ska w;s iqfLdamfNda.S ckm;sjreka wr,sh.y ueÿf¾ .;l< Ôú; .ek uyck;dj ±kqj;a lsÍfï jeo.;alu Tyq fmkajd§ we;'

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