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ysgmq w.úksiqre kvq úi÷j yeá fukak

hlv .kqfokqjlg wod<j jfrka;= lrefjl=j isák iqO¾uka ro,shf.dv fkdfyd;a hlv iqod ysgmq w.úksiqre fudydka mSßia uy;d iu. b;d lsÜgq iïnkaOhla mej;ajQ nj;a fudydka mSßia uy;d Tyqf.a kvqjg wod< Wmfoia mjd ,nd § we;s nj;a fy<s orõ fõ'

fï nj fy<sorõ jkafka Bfha ^27& fk;a t‍*a'tï' .=jkaúÿ,sh u.ska úldYh jQ ne¨‍ï., jevigy‍k u.sks'

iqO¾uka ro,shf.dv uy;d Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha fld<U Èia;%sla ixúOdhl jrfhl= f,io l=reKE., Èia;%sla ixúOdhl jrfhl= f,io l,la lghq;= lr we;s w;r Tyq ;j;a úúO md;d, l%shd i|ydo yjq,a ù we;s njg by; jevigyk u.ska wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'
 ysgmq w.úksiqre .ek ioyka fldgi fu;kska

tu jevigykg my;ska ijka Èh yelsh'

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