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iðka jdia tmehs
.sks ;nd.kak ye¥ mqoa.,hd
pkaøsldf.a weu;=fuka jyf,ka nishs

ikaOdkfha .d¨ Èia;%Sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S iðkao jdia .=Kj¾Ok ffu;%Sf.a wdKavqjg .;fyd;a isrerg .sks ;nd.kakd nj mjiñka fmg%,a fnda;,hla w;ska .;a tla ore msfhl= n,msáh niakej;=ïfmdf<a jy,g keÕ wo wdrïN l< úfrdaOh ysgmq ckm;sks pkaøsld nKavdrkdhl uy;añh ÿka fmdfrdkaÿj u; wjika lr ;sfí'

wo fmrjrefõ tu mqoa.,hd
fuf,i úfrdaO;djh wdrïN lr we;s w;r Bg iyh olajñka n,msáh tcdm ixúOdhl lu,a chka; uy;d we;=¿ n,msáh m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ tcdm uka;%Ska msßila k.rfha Woaf>daIKhlao weröh'

.sks ;nd .kakd njg wk;=re weÕjQ mqoa.,hdf.a b,a,Sug ijka ÿka reyqKq ck;d mlaIfha kdhl wcka; fidhsid wjidkfha§ ysgmq ckm;skshg l;d lr weh ,ndÿka úi÷ula wkQj jy,g keÕs mqoa.,hd ìug nei we;'

flfia jqjo tu ;Skaÿj fjkia jqjfyd;a h<s;a fuu ia:dkhg meñK úfrdaO;d olajk nj;a" .sks ;nd .kakd njg wk;=re weÕjQ mqoa.,hd .sks ;nd .kakd nj;a" mjid ;sfí'

reyqKq ck;d mlaIfha kdhlhd mjid we;af;a ¥Ilhska jxpkslhska kS;sh yuqjg meñKùug mshjr .kakd njg ysgmq ckm;sksh fmdfrdkaÿ jQ njhs'
PdhdrEm - §md,a o is,ajd

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