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Y%S,ksm kdhl;ajh
ckm;s ffu;%Sg

ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI tl. fjhs

Y%S,ksmfha md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S lKavdhu wo ^15& ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka ckdêm;s ‍f,alï ld¾hd,fha§ /iaùug kshñ; w;r tys§ Y%S,ksmfha iy tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha iNdm;s;ajh ckdêm;sjrhdg ms<s.ekaùug ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d Y%S,ksmfha iy tcksi iNdm;s ;k;=re ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg m%odkh lsÍug leue;a; m<lsÍfuka wk;=rej md¾,sfïka;= lKavdhu fuu ;SrKh f.k we;' mlaIh folv ùu je<elaùu wruqKq lr.ksñka uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d fuu mshjr f.k we;'

fï iïnkaOfhka Bfha ^14& iji tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkhg wh;a mlaI kdhlhkaf.a m%Odk;ajfhka meje;s /iaùul§ ysgmq ckm;sjrhd mlaI iNdm;s;ajfhka bj;a ù tu ;k;=r ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg ,nd§ug tl.;dj m<lr ;sfí' wk;=rej ;uka mlaIfha wkqYdiljrhl= jYfhka bÈßfha§ lghq;= lsÍug i;=gq nj mlaI kdhlhkag oekqï § we;'

fï w;r Bfha ^14& Èia;%sla uÜgñka /iajQ Y%S,ksm Èia;%sla n, uKav, ks,OdÍyq mlaI iNdm;s;ajh ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg ,nd§ug tl.;dj m<lr ;sfí'

luKS fyÜáwdrÉÑ

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