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ljqre ke;;a ck;dj ;uka
iuÕhs - ckm;s lshhs

lsis Èfkl ;ud w;yer rfÜ ck;dj 2005 § iy 2010 fukau 2015 §o ;ud iu. isákq we;ehs úYajdi lrk nj ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d mjikjd'

wjia:djd§ msßia l=ula l< o rfÜ ck;dj i;H fyd¢ka wjfndaO lrf.k lghq;= lrk njhs ckdêm;sjrhd wjOdrKh lf<a' .ïmy iy w;a;k.,af,a Bfha miajrefõ mej;s ckyuq follg tlafjñka ckdêm;sjrhd fuu woyia m<l<d'

wfma mlaIh yo,d ;shk úÈhg f,alï,d jeämqr ojila bkafka keye' 06 fofkla .sys,a,d ;sfhkjd' yenehs .shmq wh Tlafldu wkd:hs' fuh;a wkd:hs' 13 fokdf.ka 06 fofkl=g jeäh .sys,a,d'

fïl ;uhs mlaIfha b;sydih' fj,dj fydo keye f,alïf.a' 2005 wmg Th lõrej;a ysáfha keye' rfÜ ck;dj ú;rhs ysáfha' 2010 wmg ck;dj ysáhd' wo;a wmg ck;dj bkakjd lshk tl ila iqola fia meyeÈ,s fj,d fmakjd'

fï ue;sjrKfha§ Pkaoh fokafka Tng ú;rla fkfjhs' Tnf.a orejka kqjka orejka fjkqfjka' wkd.; mrmqrla fjkqfjka fï rg iqrlaIs; lrkakg'

mla‍Ih lvdf.k f.dia wÆ;a mla‍I msysgqùu pkaøsld nKavdrkdhl l=udr;=x. uy;añhg wÆ;a fohla fkdjk njo ckdêm;sjrhd fuys§ fmkajd ÿkakd' tod weh mla‍Ihg isÿl< mdjd§ï wo Èkfha o tf,iu isÿlrñka isák njhs ckdêm;sjrhd mejiqfõ' rdjq*a ylSï uy;d uqia,sï ck;djf.a Pkao fjkafoaisfha oud we;s njo ckdêm;sjrhd lshd isáhd'

ñÍ.u" ñkqjkaf.dv iy ó.uqfõ § o ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d Bfha ckyuq meje;ajqjd' tlai;a cd;sl mla‍Ifha C%shdldÍka lsysmfofkl= o fuu ckyuqj, § ckdêm;sjrhdg iyh m< l< njhs tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ika‍Odkfha ckdêm;sjrK m‍%pdrl fufyhqï ld¾hd,h mjikafka'  .ïmy kd.ßl uka;‍%S iqika; .=ref.a uy;d o ta w;r jkjd

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