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moauisß ug w;jr lf<a keye''''

Ñ;%mg yd fg,s kdgH wOHlaIjrfhla jk moauisß fldäldr ;udg w;jr l< njg tla;rd mqj;am;l m<lr we;s mqj; wuQ,sl fndrejla nj fhdjqka ks<shl jk  ,laIsld chj¾Ok zzY%S ,xld ñr¾ZZ fjí wvúh fj; lshd isáhdh'

;udg moauisß w;jr fkdl< nj;a" Tyq isÿ lrkq ,enqfõ ;udf.ka , w,a,ia ,nd .ekSug W;aidy lsÍula njo weh lSjdh'

fï mqj; ksjrÈ lrk f,ig wod, mqj;amf;a m%jD;a;s l¾;Djrhdg ;ud oekqï ÿkako th fuf;la isÿ lr fkdue;s njo weh lshd isáhdh'

flfiajqjo" fï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fïjk úg wêlrKfha kvqjla úNd.fjñka ;sfnk neúka wod, mqj;am;a l¾;Djrhd úiska ;u pß;hg lr we;s ydksh iïnkaOfhka mshjr .kakd f,i b,a,d B<. kvq jdrfha§ ;ud wêlrKhg fudaiula bÈßm;a lrk nj;a wh wjOdrKh l<dh'

tfiau wod, mqj; tu mqj;am;ska Wmqgd .ksñka fjí wvú rdYshl m,lr we;s neúka ;ud ta iïnkaOfhka isÿj we;s wmydihg jkaÈ kvqjla f.dkq lrkafka o hkak ms<sn|j is;d n,k njo weh Y%S ,xld ñr¾ fjí wvúh iu. lshd isáhdh'


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