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iQÿ fmdf<a woyi w;yer.kS
Y%S ,xldfjka bj;a fjhs ld,fha ,xldfõ fnfyúka l:dnyg ,lajQ uyd leisfkda jHdmdßl Tiafg%,shdfõ fÊïia mel¾ Y%S ,xldfõ isÿlsÍug fhdað;j ;snQ fvd,¾ ñ,shk 400la jákd ñY% jHdmD;sh yl=<d .kakg ;SrKh l< nj wo ´iafÜ%,shdkq taîiS mqj;a fiajh jd¾;d lr ;sfnkjd'
fuhg wdikak fya;=j ù we;af;a w.ue;s rks,a úl%uxisy md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ ta .ek isÿ l< m%ldYhhs' 

fld<U ãwd¾ úfÊj¾Ok mdf¾ úYd, bvul ldur 400 l fydag,hla yd úfkdao l,dmhla bÈlsÍug mel¾ iQodkïj isá w;r

rks,a lshd isáfha fuu jHdmD;s i|yd kj rch hgf;a
nÿ iyk ,nd§ug yelshdjla ke;s nj;a th bÈl<;a tys leisfkda mj;ajdf.khdug n,m;% ,ndÈh fkdyels nj;ah'
fuu ;SrKh;a iu.u ,xldfõ tu jHdmdrh ms<sn| Tyqf.a
woyi fjkia lr.;a nj;a jHdmD;sh w;yer hdug l%jqka jHdmdr ysñ mel¾ ;SrKh l< nj;a taîiS mqj;a fiajh jd¾;d l<d'

leisfkda rcd hk f,i y÷kajk fldaám;s jHdmdßl Tiafg%,shdfõ fÊïia mel¾ Y%S ,xldfõ isÿlsÍug fhdað;j ;snQ fvd,¾ ñ,shk 400l jHdmD;shg ysgmq weu;sjreka jk neis,a rdcmlaI yd ,laIauka hdmd wfíj¾Ok iïnkaëlrK lghq;= l< w;r thg tfrysj ,xldfõ fn!oaO uykdhl ysñjreka m%uqL ixúOdk wr.,hg weyqï lka§ ;snqfka ke;'

tjl thg tfrys úfrdaO;d nyq,jQ wjia:dfõ leisfkda .ek i|yka fkdlr úfkdao ia:dkhla f,i kï l< w¨;a mk;la f,i md¾,sfïka;=jg fï .ek lreKq olajd th fldf<a jid iïu; lrkakgo mej;s rch lghq;= lr ;snqKs'

tawkqj ,xldfõ jHdmdßlhska fofofkl=o iu. tlaù fuu iQÿ fmd< 
f.dvke.Sfï lghq;= mel¾ wrUd ;snqK w;r weußldfõ ,diafõ.dia jeks iQÿ k.r wdldrfha ia:dkhla fld<U msysgqjd ol=Kq wdishdfõ iQÿ ;smafmd<la ìyslsÍug Tyq msUqrem;a ilid ;snqKs'

fkdfhl=;a ÿrdpdr isÿ lrk ia:dkhla úhyels neúka fuh ,xldfõ ixialD;sh úkdY lrjkakla úhyels njg wd.ñl kdhlhska isÿ l< wr.,hg lka fkdÿka mej;s rch ta i|yd nÿ bj;alr ish¨ myiqlï i,id ;sîu tl, ldf.a;a úu;shg fya;= úh'

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