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ÿrl:k urK ;¾ck ksid
kdu,a fmd,sis hhs
wms je/oaola lr, kE - kdu,a lshhs

md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ckm;s mq;a kdu,a rdcmlaIg i÷od rd;%S 11 ;a 12;a w;r ld,fha tlu wxlhlska 4 j;djla urK ;¾ck t,a,lrñka ÿrl:k weu;=ula ,enqK njg fmd,sishg meñKs,s lr ;sfnkjd'

Bfha iji ;x.,a, fmd,sisfha kdu,a lr ;snqK meñKs,a, wkqj lshejqfka fuu l;d l< mqoa.,hd kdu,ag lshd we;af;a
foaYmd,kfhka bj;ajk f,i;a tfia fkdlf<d;a urdouk njg;ah' ta ;¾ckh .ek lreKq lSug Tyq fmd,sis f.dia ;snqKd'
fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl lshd isáfha fï iïnkaOj úu¾Yk lrk njhs'

fï w;r Bfha cúmfhka w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Ykh i|yd kdu,a rdcmlaI we;=¿ lsysmfofkl=f.a kï ,nd§u .ek kdu,a m%;dpdr olajd we;af;a

wms yDo idlaIshg tlÕj lsisÿ jrola fkdl< wh nj lshñks' ta ksid ´kEu mÍlaIKhlg uqyqK §ug ;uka iQodkñka isák nj;a fï .kq ,nkafka foaYmd,kslj ;ukaj;a" ;u mjqf,a whj;a úkdY lsÍfï m%:u mshjr nj; Tyq lshd we;'

˜uu;a uf.a mjqf,a wh;a yDo idlaIshg tlÕj lsisÿ je/oaola lf<a keye' foaYmd,kslj udj;a" uf.a mjqf,a whj;a úkdY lr oeóug .;a m<uq mshjr fïlhs' fujeks foaj,a bÈßhg ;j;a f.dvla ths' rgg iduh f.kdmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a mq;d ùu ;uhs ug tfrysj fpdaokd t,a, lrkak m%Odk fya;=jla fj,d ;sfhkafka' bÈßfha§ ;j ;j;a wfma pß; >d;kh lrkak mq¿jka' ta" wfma mjqf,a whf.a Ôú; mjd ydks fjkak;a mq¿jka' ta;a ta .ek mqÿu fjkak fohla kE'˜ hhs uka;%Sjrhd mjid we;'

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