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wo ysßyer lrkafka ;sia wjqreÿ
;‍%ia;jdofhka fï rg fírdf.k
iduh Wod l< kdhlhd g nj
fï ysßyer lrkakkag wu;l fj,d''

fndre meñKs,s lrk wh .ek;a fydhkak - kdu,a rdcmlaI''

È.ska È.gu rdcmlaI mjq,g tfrysj úúO fpdaokd k.ñka fï wdldrfhka ysßyer lrkafka ;sia wjqreÿ ;%ia;jdofhka fï rg fírdf.k iduh Wod l< kdhlhd g nj wo fï ysßyer lrkakkag wu;l ù we;ehs fï .ek l, úuiSul§ yïnkaf;dg Èia;‍%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%‍%S kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d mejiSh' 

Tyq fï woyia m< lr isáfha‍ Bfha ^19& uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a ;x.,af,a ld,agka ksjfia iS maf,aka .=jkahdkhla iy ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r:hl frdao fiùug fmd,Sish meñ”fuka miqjh' 

kuq;a fmd,sia wdrxÑud¾. mjik wdldrhg tys iS maf,aka hdkhla fyda ,eïfnda.sks fudag¾ r: frdao lsisjla tys fkd;snQ njo mjik tu wdrxÑ ud¾. tu wjia:dfõ ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d nÿ,af,a mej;s úmlaI kdhl ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd uy;df.a uEKshkaf.a wjux.,H Wf<,g iyNd.sùu i|yd f.dia isá njo i|yka lrhs' 

fuu fidaÈis lsÍu isÿjk wjia:dfõ ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd fyda ;uka ksjfia fkdisá njo ioyka l< kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d wia:dk fpdaokd k.ñka lrk fndre meñKs,s iïnkaOfhka mÍlaId lrkakg fmrd;=j tajdfha i;H wi;H;djh ms<sn|j fidhdn,d fndre meñKs,s lrejkag tfrysj kS;sh C%shdfõ fhoùug j.lsjhq;a;ka mshjr .; hq;= njo wjOdrKh lf<ah'

Woa.;j we;s ;;a;ajh u; ;udf.a fyda fidfydhqrkaf.a ñ;=rl=f.a ksjilgj;a hd fkdyels ;;a;ajhla Woa.;j we;ehs o i|yka l< uka;‍%Sjrhd ;uka fyda fidfydhqrka ñ;=rl=f.a ksjilg f.dia meñKs jydu Tjqkaf.a ksfjia mÍlaId lsÍug fmd,sish lvdmksk lk.dgqodhl jd;djrKhla we;s ù ;sfnk njo mejiSh'

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