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w;=re whjefhka
l=vd fudag¾ r: ñ, wvqjqKdg
yhsì%â ñ, by< hkjd
-fudag¾ r: wdkhklrejkaf.a ix.uh

Bfha rch bÈßm;a l< w;=re whjeh u.ska l=vd jdykj, ñ, wvqùu iïnkaO hym;a n,dfmdfrd;a;= we;s lr.;yels jqj;a yhsn%sâ jdyk ñ, by< hkq we;ehs jdyk wdkhkh lrkakkaf.a ix.uh fmkajd fokjd'
tkaðka Odß;djh 1000 iS'iS j,g jvd wvq fudag¾ r: fjkqfjka whl< wdkhk nÿ ishhg 15 lska wvqlsÍug ;SrKh lr ;sfnk w;r yhsì%â ^fouqyqka& fudag¾ r: wdkhkfha§ laIhùfï j.=j Bfha uOHu rd;%sfha isg bj;a lrk njo okajd ;snqKd'
fï ms<sn|j fudag¾ r: wdkhklrejkaf.a ix.ufha iNdm;s bkaÈl iïm;a fufrxÑf.a woyia m<lrñka mejiqfõ 

laIHùfï j.=j bj;a lsÍu hkq wjqreÿ folla mer‚ yhsì%â fudag¾ r: wdkhkh lsÍfï§ whlrk noao ishhg 10 lska jeälsÍu jeks l%shd ud¾.hla njhs'

—fï ksid" fouqyqka fudag¾ r:j, ñ, wksjd¾fhkau jeä fjkjd' fuu fhdackdj fuu fudag¾ r:j, noao ishhg 10 lska muK jeälsÍug iudkhs'—
hkqfjka Tyq meyeÈ,s l<d'
fï w;r" Tyq i|yka lf<a kj nÿ fhdackd wkqj tkaðka Odß;djh 1000 iS'iS' j,g wvq fudag¾ r:j, ñ, wvqjk njhs'
fï w;r" foaYSh jdyk tl,ia lrk iud.ï úiska ld,fha§ rchg ksis mßÈ nÿ f.jd fkdue;s nj;a tu iud.ï j,ska ksis mßÈ nÿ whlr .ekSug lghq;= lrk nj;a uqo,a wud;Hjrhd mjid we;'

óg wu;rj" furgg jdyk wdkhk lrk ish¿u iud.ï j,ska tu iud.ï wdkhkh lrkafka w¿;a jdyko mrK jdyko fkdi,ld jd¾Islj remsh,a ñ,shk 1'5 l .dia;=jla whlrk nj kj rcfha w;=re whjefha i|yka lr we;'

f;dr;=re –

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