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ñyska ,xld wfydais lsÍfï iqodkula

ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a m%;srEmh biau;= lr,Sfï wruqKska msysgqjd" uyck uqo,a fldá m%fldaá .Kkska jxpd lrñka mdvq msg mj;ajd f.k .sh zñyska ,xldZ .=jka fiajh wfydais lr th zY%S ,kalkaZ .=jka fiajhg tlalsÍug wdKavqj ;SrKh lr we;ehs jd¾;dfõ'

fldama lñgqfõ w;=re jd¾;dfõ ks¾foaY i,ld n,d tu ;SrKh .ekSug hhs'

ñyska ,xld .=jka iud.fï 2013 jif¾ mdvqj remsh,a ì,shk 3'3 la nj md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a flreKq fldama lñgqfõ w;=re jd¾;dfõ i|yka fõ'

tfiau" jif¾ ñyska ,xld .=jka iud.fï mdvqj ;jÿrg;a by< f.dia ;sfí'

ñyska ,xld w¾nqoh iïnkaOfhka jif¾ wf.daia;= 05 od mej;s udOH yuqjl§ woyia oelajQ fldama lñgqfõ iNdm;s äõ .=Kfialr uy;d" , ñyska ,xld m%Odk fya;=j Tjqkag m%d.aOkh fkd§u" Tjqka Kh .;a; oeka Kh f.jd .kak neye" talg f,dl= i¾ðl,a Tmf¾Ika tlla lrkak ´fka" wms fhdackd lrkafka ñyska ,xld iy Y%S ,xlka iud.ï tla lrkak lsh,d, hhs i|yka lf<ah'

fï w;r ñyska ,xld wdh;kh ;=, isÿjQ nrm;, jxpdjla ms<sn|j zÿIK úfrdaê fmruqKZ" w,a,ia fyda ÿIK fpdaokd úu¾Yk fldñIka iNdjg Bfha meñKs,s lf<ah'

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