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u¾úkaf.ka neis,ag" f.daGg wmrdO fpdaokd
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ysgmq wud;H u¾úka is,ajd uy;d úiska ysgmq wud;H neis,a rdcmlaI uy;d iy wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;dg tfrysj fld<U wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ§ wo oyj,a meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lf<ah'

tys§ wdKavqj iufha Tyqka úiska isÿ l< jxpd iy wmrdO iïnkaOfhka ;ud úiska nrm;, fpdaokd /ila wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=jg bÈßm;a l< njhs u¾úia is,ajd uy;d udOH yuqfõ mjid isáfha'

u¾úka is,ajd uy;d tu wjia:dfõ§ fufia mejiqjd'

f.daGdNh iy neis,a rdcmlaI tlal ug fm!oa.,sl m,s.ekSula keye' ta fokak kï uf.ka m<s .;a;d'm<jeks tl ,xldfõ isÿfjÉp ishÆu ñksuereï ,ika; úC%u;=x. >d;kh" Ndr; ,laIauka >d;kh" rd.u f,dl= iShdf.a >d;kfha iy iqÿjEka ixialD;sfha l;Djrhd ;uhs f.daGdNh rdcmlaI't;=ud oekqj;ajhs fï ish,a, isÿ jqfKa' j.lSfuka lshkafka' we;a; l;d lr,d Ôúf;a ke;s jqK;a lula keye'

fpdaokd ish,a, iúia:rd;aulj my; ùäfhdafjka n,kak''

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