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ckdêm;sjrK Èk l=uka;%Khla‌ ùoehs nqoaê wxY mÍla‍IK (video)

bl=;a 8 jeksod rd;%S ckdêm;sjrKfha m%;sM, úldYh joa§;a wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha§ ysgmq úfoaY weue;s Ô t,a mSßia uy;d;a " m<d;a iNd uka;%Sjrfhl= jk .ïukams, uy;d;a" w.úksiqre fudydka mSßia uy;d;a" wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd;a jrhdf.a;a uQ,sl;ajfhka ;ukag wjdisodhl ;;ajhla m%;sM, j,ska meyeÈ,s fjñka ;snqK
neúka ta m%;sM, ksl=;a úu j<lajkakg m%;sM, ksl=;a ùu j,lajkakg l=uka;%KldÍ l%shdjla ilia lrñka isák nj wkdjrKh jQ nj úfoia wud;H ux., iurùr uy;d fmkajd fohs'

tfukau th oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 115 - 120 j.ka;s W,a,x>Kh lsÍu fya;=fjka wmrdO úu¾Yk fomd¾;fï;=jg meñKs<s lr úÈu;a mÍlaIKhla mÍlaIKhla mj;ajk f,i b,a,d isá nj nj Tyq fmkajd fohs'

Tyq fï nj mjid isáfha ^14& wmrdO úu¾YK fomd¾fïka;=jg meñKs<s lr wk;=rej udOH weue;+ wjia:dfõ§h'

tmuKla fkdj yÈis kS;sh tÈk rd;%sfhau mKjd tu .Kka lsÍfï uOHia:dk yuqodj ,jd jg,kakg fukau ue;sjrK flduidßia ld¾hd,ho yuqodj ,jd jg,d b;du;a Nhdkl ;;ajhla fï rfÜ ks¾udKh lsßug ilÉPd fldg we;ehs úYajdi odhl wdrxÑ ,eì we;ehs Tyq fmkajd fohs'

fmd,siam;s yuqodm;s kS;sm;s ;=udf.a ueÈy;a ùu u; th keje;S we;ehs úfoia wud;Hjrhd fmkajd fokq ,eîh'

Tjqka tys§ fmkajd § we;af;a m%cd;ka;%ùfrda§ l%shdjl lsisfia;u iydh ,nd Èh fkdyels njh'

wdishdfõ me/Ksu m%pd;ka;%jd§ hehs i<lk ,xldfõ m%cd;ka;%jdoh /l=fKa fudjqkaf.a tä;r lu ksid njo wud;Hjrhd fmkajd § we;' 

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