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orejl= fhdod ffu;%Sg
wmydi lsÍu .ek lg
W;a;r .kS

ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;df.a pß;h >d;kh jk mßÈ nd,jhialdr orejl= fhdod iajdëk rEmjdysks fiajh yd cd;sl rEmjdysksh úiska m%pdrh l< m%jD;a;sh tu wdh;kj,g m%pdrh lsÍug ljqreka ,nd ÿkafka o@ hkak iïnkaOfhka fmd,sishg m%ldY ,nd fok f,ig tu wdh;kj, wOHlaIjrekag fld<U w;sf¾l ufyaia;%d;a m%shka; ,shkf.a uy;d Bfha ^22& ksfhda.hla ksl=;a flf<ah'

óg wu;rj tu iS'ã mg ldka;d yd <ud ld¾hdxYh fj; ,nd fok f,ig ufyia;%d;ajrhd iajdëk rEmjdysks fiajhg yd cd;sl rEmjdysks fiajfha wOHlaIjrekag kshu lf<ah' f.dvlfj," oxTúg mÈxÑ l,xiqßhuqÈhkafia,df.a ckl iqis,a l=udr hk orejdf.a mshd fuu isoaêfha iellre f,i ldka;d ld¾hxYh úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k wêlrKhg bÈßm;a fldg bl=;a 15 jk Èk rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; lr isá w;r Bfha Tyq ,laI foll YÍr wem folla u; uqod yeÍug ufyia;%d;ajrhd kshu flf<ah'

bl=;a foieïn¾ 30$31 jk foÈk ;=< rEmjdysks fiajhkays m%pdrh jQ fuu ùäfhda mgh u.ska ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;df.a fm!oa.,sl yd foaYmd,k pß; >d;khg iellre oekqj;aj fyda fkdoekqj;aj odhl ù we;s nj;a nd,jhialdr orejd o fuhg odhl ù we;s njg ldka;d ld¾hdxYh wêlrKhg lreKq jd¾;d lr ;sìK'

nd,jhialrejl= ryis.;j isr lr wmyrKh fldg meyerf.k hdfï woyiska lDDr;ajhg m;a l< njg Èidkdhl uqÈhkafia,df.a pñ,d l=udß Èidkdhl uy;añh ‍ldka;d ld¾hdxYhg l< meñKs,a,lg wkqj fuu isoaêfha úu¾Yk wdrïN lr ;sìK' ish orejd ñ;a;Ksh Ndrfha isák nj;a 2012$12$26 ish mshd úiska mS'î'4246 ork ÿUqre meye;s ld¾ r:fhka w,suxlv m%foaYhg orejd /f.k .sh nj i|ykah'

wk;=rej ñkafkaßh ld,;=jlal= f¾ðfïka;=j wi,g meñK leí r:hl iñ; hk whl= /f.k .sh nj;a ujf.a yd mshdf.a úrilh ms<sn| lreKq wid miqj , ffu;%smd, weu;s;=uks wïud ysr lr bkak tmd hehs mjiñka y`v m%ldYhla ,nd f.k Pkaoh ksu jk ;=re tu ia:dkfha r|jd .ekSug lghq;= l< njg meñKs,af,a i|ykah'

wod< lreKq i<ld neÆ ufyia;%d;ajrhd wod< rEmjdysks fiajdjkag m%pdrh lsÍu i|yd fuu yv mg ,nd ÿkafka ljqreka o @ hkak iïnkaOfhka úêu;a mßlaIKhla fldg jd¾;djla wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lrk f,i ldka;d yd <ud ld¾hdxYh fj; ksfhda. lf<ah' ldka;d yd <ud ld¾hdxYfha m%OdJ fmd,sia mßlaIl tka'ta 'rEmisxy uy;d wêlrKhg lreKq jd¾;d flf<ah'

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