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uyskao merÿfka rfÜ jdikdjg
nj pu,a rdcmlaI lshhs

neßfj,d merÿkdkï ffu;%S fu,yg f*dkafiald jf.a we;=f,''

ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI ue;s;=ud merÈÉp tl .ek ‍uyskao ‍f.a whshd wmQrE l;djla lr ;s‍fí' fï rfÜ ;du;a fohsfhd nqÿka lsh, fldgila bkakj lsh, ug f;arefka uf.a u,hd merÈÉp ojfi' 

uf.a u,hd fkfuhs ljqre lr;a jro jrouhs' ckdêm;s;=ud fï .uk Èkakkï wfma rgg fudkj fjhso lsh, ug ys;d.kakj;a nE' kuq;a ;du fï rgg foúhkaf. nqÿkaf. we,au ne,au ;sfhkjd' 

ta ksid ;uhs wfma u,h merÿfka hkqfjka Y%S chj¾Okmqr l:dkdhl ks, ksjig /iajQ Y%S,ksm fcIaGhska wu;d l:dkdhl pu,a rdcmlaI uy;d ‍fï nj m%ldY lr we;s nj wka;¾cd, udOH jd¾;d lr ;s‍fí' 

Tfy,d ldgj;a fldkaola ;snqkakE ckdêm;s;=ud jrola lrk fldg tal fmkak, fokak' Tfy,d yefudau lf,a fok foa ld,d fjk foa n,df.k bomq tl ú;rhs' wms lõrej;a ys;=fj kE ffu;%Sg fïjf.a fldkaola ;sfhk ukqiaifhla lsh,' 

neßfj,d merÿkdkï ffu;%S fu,yg f*dkafiald jf.a we;=f,' ffu;%S ú;rla fkfuhs pkao%sld uevïg;a ‍fjkafk ´l ;uhs' fï f.d,af,d ma,Eka lrka ysáfh' kuq;a wfma rg jdikdjka;hs hkqfjka l:dkdhljrhd mjid we;' ‍

fï l;dj lrk w;r;=r ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d l:dkdhl ks, ksjfia fjk;a ldurhl isg we;' l:dkdhljrhdf.a fuu m%ldYhg úreoaOj lsisfjla woyia olajd ke;s w;r fcIaGhska ish¿u fokd ksy`vju l:dkhljrhdf.a by; m%ldYh wkqu; lr we;'

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