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jákd w;s iem jdyk /ila‌ w;=reoka'''

ckdêm;s ukaÈrh" f,alï ld¾hd,h iy ckdêm;s wdrla‍Il wxYh Ndrfha ;snQ remsh,a fldaá .Kka jákd w;siqfLdamfNda.S jdyk úYd, m%udKhla‌ wia‌:dk.; ù we;s njg ,eî we;s meñKs,a,la‌ u; wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j tu jdyk w;awvx.=jg .ekSug mq¿,a mÍla‍IK wdrïN lr we;'

we;eï mqoa.,hka fuu jdyk fld<ôka neyer m%foaYj,g /f.k f.dia‌ i.jdf.k isák nj o jd¾;d fjhs' iuyr jdyk msg m<d;aj,g f.k f.dia‌ tajdfha wu;r fldgia‌ .,jd wf,ú lsÍug W;aidy lrk njg o f;dr;=re ,eî we;'

ckdêm;s f,alï ld¾hd,h" ckdêm;s ukaÈrh iy ckdêm;s wdrla‍Il wxYh i;=j ;snQ jdyk úYd, m%udKhla‌ wia‌:dk.; ù we;s njg ckdêm;s f,alïjrhd fmd,sia‌ uQ,ia‌:dkh fj; Bfha ^13 od& meñKs,a,la‌ lr ;sfí'

ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d o fuu jdyk fidhd.ekSu ms<sn|j oeä wjOdkh fhduqlr we;s w;r tajd fidhd.ekSu läkï lrk f,i wmrdO mÍla‍IK 

fomd¾;fïka;=j fj; o Wmfoia‌ ,ndÿka nj jd¾;d fjhs'

fï iïnkaOfhka Èjhsk mqj;am; l< úuiSul§ wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ Wiia‌ ks,Odßhl= lshd isáfha ckdêm;s ukaÈrh" f,alï ld¾hd,h iy ckdêm;s wdrla‍Il wxYh mßyrKh l< jdyk m%udKh fldf;la‌oehs ix.Kkhla‌ lrf.k hk njhs'

wdrxÑ ud¾. lshd isáfha fuu jdyk i|yd Èklg remsh,a ,la‍I 25-30 l muK bkaOk mdúÉÑ lr we;s njhs'

ckdêm;s ukaÈrhg f,alï ld¾hd,hg iy ckdêm;s wdrla‍Il wxYhg iïnkaOj isá we;eï ks,OdÍka ;u ksjig m;a;rh f.k heug" n,a,kag lEu §ug" Èjd wdydrh f.kakjd .ekSu we;=¿ fkdfhl=;a fm!oa.,sl lghq;= i|yd fuu jdyk ffokslj m%fhdackhg f.k we;s nj Tyq mejiSh'

flfia fj;;a wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j mjikafka jeä ojila‌ .;ùug fmr fufia 

/f.k f.dia‌ ;sfnk jdyk ish,a, wdmiq ,nd.ekSug lghq;= lrk njhs'

i.jdf.k isák jdyk jydu wdmiq Ndr§ug lghq;= lrk f,i wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j b,a,d isáhs'

tfia fkdl<fyd;a tajd ika;lfha ;ndf.k isák mqoa.,hkag oeä ovqjï ,nd§ug miqng fkdjk nj o wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j lshd isáhs' 

fyauka; rkaÿKq

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