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wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok wud;HxYfha iem ßhla ysgmq uka;%Sf.a f.j;af;ka yuqfjhs

wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok wud;HdxYhg wh;a fudkafgfrda j¾.fha iqfLdamfNda.S Ôma r:hla jhU m<d;a iNdfõ ysgmq uka;%Sjrfhl=g wh;a f.j;af;a i.jd ;sìh§ uqkao,u fmd,Sish úiska fidhd f.k ;sfí'

uÿrkal=,sh - lvhduÜfÜ m%foaYfha msysá ksjil fuu Ôma r:h i.jd ;sî we;'

Ôma r:h i.jd ;nd f.k isg we;af;a jhU m<d;a iNdfõ uka;%Sjrfhl=j isá wfhl= úisks'

Tyq m<d;a iNdjgo tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfhka ;r. l< kuq;a mrdchg m;a úh'

fuu Ôma r:h iïnkaOfhka jQ f;dr;=re ,eîfuka miqj uqkao,u fmd,Sisfha ks,OdÍka 15 jeksod rd;%Sfha tu ksji fidaÈis lsÍug f.dia we;;a f.aÜgq újD; lr .ekSug fkdyels ù we;'

miqj kej; j;djla 16 jeksod w¿hu 5'00 g muK f.dia Ôma r:h i.jd ;snQ f.j;af;a f.aÜgq újD; lrf.k f.dia Ôma r:h ish ndrhg f.k we;' rcfha ksfhdacH weu;sjrfhl= úiska fuu Ôma r:h ;ukag ,nd ÿka nj ksji ysñ ysgmq m<d;a iNd uka;%Sjrhd fmd,Sish yuqfõ mjid ;sfí'

fuu Ôma r:h ckdêm;sjrKfha§ ue;sjrK lghq;= i|yd ;uka úiska fhdod .;a nj ysgmq m<d;a iNd uka;%Sjrhd fmd,Sish yuqfõ mjid we;' fmd,Sish úiska Tyqf.ka m%ldYhlao igyka lrf.k we;'

;uka ndrhg f.k we;s Ôma r:h fï jk úg uqkao,u fmd,Sisfha .d,a lr we;'
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