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uf.a oE;g ú,x.=,d rdcmlaI,d fi,skafldaj fld,a, lEjd
h,s ÿkafkd;a Kh fírkak iQodkï - ,,s;a fld;,dj, lshhs

f.da,avka lS fl%äÜ ldâ iud.u úiska isÿlrk we;ehs lshk remsh,a ì,shk 26 la muK jk uQ,H jxpdjg m%Odk iellre jQ tjl fi,skaflda iuqyfha iNdm;sjrhd jQ ,,s;a fld;,dj, uy;d ish jHdmdr lvdjeàu yuqfõ fuf;la fy<s fkdjQ lreKq ms<sn|j udOH fj; m%ldY fldg ;sfí'

Tyq mjik wdldrhg Tyq i;=j ;snQ iqúi,a j;alï ;=,ska w.;shg m;ajQ 9128 la jQ msßig myiqfjka Tjqkaf.a ;ekam;= uqo,a f.ùug yelshdjla ;snqk;a wdKavqfõ l,a,shlf.a l%shdl,dmh fya;=fjka th lsÍug fkdyels jQ njh' fi,skaflda Okhg lEor lñka tu l,a,sh úiska ;udf.a w;mh ne| oud wdh;kh i;= Okh fld,a,lE nj;a Tyq úiska udOH fj; fy<sfldg ;snq‚'

,,s;a fld;,dj, uy;d oelajQ woyia n,kak my;ska'

fldïmeks 450la ;snqKd' fiajlfhda 45000la' úfoaY ld¾hd, 15la' uu fydfrla fkfjhs''' b;ska f.da,avka lS tlg uu ne¨‍ju wmg Yla;sh ;snqKd''' fi,skaflda iuQy jHdmdrh fndfydau f,fyishka ì,shk 13la ;snqKd' ;ekam;alrejkaf.a uqo,a' wms wjqreÿ 3 yudrlska fï ì,shk 13 f.jkak wms fhdackd lrmq jevms<sfj<la Widúhg ÿkakd' wms f.jkak mgka .;a;d' Widúhg f.kdj ñ,shk 200l fplam;la' ;ekam;alrejkaf.a jrol=;a fkfjhs' wfma jrol=;a fkfjhs''' ysgmq ckdêm;s;=udf.a l,a,shla''' taf.d,a,kag fmkqKd fi,skaflda iuQy jHdmdrfha j;alï''' wmg ;snqKd ñ,shk ì,shk .Kka j;alï''' tajd widOdrK úÈhg''' lEorlug mjrd .kak ;uhs udj ysf¾g oeïfï''' ug lsõfõ udj YdÍßl wdrlaIdj odkj lsh,d ysf¾g'''

uu ysf¾g hkfldg j;alï ;snqKd ì,shk .Kka''' *skEkaia fldïme‚fha''' tal .;a;d'' uf.a fldgia mjrd .;a;d''' i;hlaj;a f.õfõ keye''' tal uxfld,a,lEula''' *skekaia fldïme‚h''' fi,dka nexl=j mjrd .;a;d fudydka mSßia''' weg¾ks ckrd,a úÈyg udj ysf¾g od,d t;=ud uf.a iNdm;slu .;a;d''' mäh;a .;a;d''' uf.a iqm%SïfldaÜ tfla kvq ;Skaÿ ÿkafka t;=u ;uhs''' yhiaÜ Íckais lshk fydag,h uu ysf¾ bkak fldg neis,a rdcmlaI''' tal mjr .;a;d''' tal jákjd  ì,shk 10la ú;r' ta ì,shk 10ka ux ys;kafka t*a'tka'Ô' ;ekam;alrefjdhs f.da,avka lS ;ekam;alrefjdhs i,a,s b,a,k yefudagu f.jkak mq¿jka''' fïl iïmQ¾K fld,a,lEula'''

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