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fla'mS' újD; wêlrKhg
bÈßm;a lsÍfuka bgqjkafka
cd;Hka;r fldá cd,fha

ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK iy cd;sl fy< Wreuh l=urka moaukdoka fyj;a fla' mS' újD; wêlrKh yuqjg bÈßm;a lrk f,i isÿ lrk b,a,Su u.ska bgqjkafka cd;Hka;r fldá cd,fha Wjukdj hehs cd;sl ksoyia fmruqK fmkajd fohs'

Bfha ^27& n;a;ruq,af,a msysá cd;sl ksoyia fmruqfKa m‍%Odk ld¾hd,fha§ meje;s úfYaI udOH yuqjl§ fudfyduÙ uqiïñ,a uy;d fufia fmkajd ÿkafkah' tys§ jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ fudfyduÙ uqiïñ,a uy;d fufiao i|yka lf<ah'

l=urka moaukdoka fyj;a fla' mS' újD; wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lr ovqjï ,nd fok f,i ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa kdhl" wkqr l=udr Èidkdhl uy;d iy cd;sl fy< Wreufha m‍%Odk f,alï" pïmsl rKjl uy;d wdKavqfjka b,a,d ;snqKd" fõ¿ms,af,a msrndyrka ñh .shdg miqj" úfYaIfhka 2009 uehs 18 jeksod hqo ch.‍%yKfhka miqj fldá ixúOdkfha kdhl;ajhg m;a jQfha l=urka moaukdoka'

miqj úfoia rgl isáh§ Y‍%S ,xld wdrla‍Il wxY úiska Tyq w;awvx.=jg /f.k furgg f.k tkq ,enqjd' wms ys;kjd" ‘l=urka moaukdoka fhdod f.k bkamiqj fndfyda nqoaê wxY fufyhqï C%shd;aul fjkak we;s’ lshd' ta fufyhqïj, m‍%;sM,hla úÈyg cd;Hka;r fldá cd,h  fyj;a fldá vhiafmdrdj 04lg levqKd' úkhd.ï" fkÈhjka" reo%l=udrka yd tïudkqfj,a msh;=ud hk 04 fokdf.a kdhl;ajhka hgf;a cd;Hka;r fldá cd,h 04lg levqKd'

fõ¿ms,af,a msrndyrkaf.a kdhl;ajfhka tlñglg f.dkq ù isá cd;Hka;r fldá cd,h 04lg fnÿfKa nqoaê wxY fufyhqï i|yd fla' mS' f.ka ,enqKq iydh ksid njhs wms úYajdi lrkafka' fla' mS' lshkafka hg;a lr.;a T;a;=lrefjla' tjeks ;eke;a;l= újD; wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka isÿ úh yelafla l=ulao@

wms okakjd" hï ;eke;a;l= újD; wêlrKhlg bÈßm;a l< miq Tyqf.ka m‍%Yak lsÍfï wjia:dj kS;s{jreka we;=¿ wod< msßiaj,g ,efnkjd' tfyu wjia:djl fla' mS' iïnkaO jQ nqoaê wxY fufyhqï wkdjrKh ùu je<elaúh yelso@ tfia l< fkdyelshs' ta ksid" ‘fla' mS' újD; wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lrkq’ hk b,a,Su msgqmi we;af;a" fla' mS' iïnkaOlr .;a nqoaê wxY fufyhqïj, f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lr .ekSug wjYH bvlv ks¾udKh lr .ekSu nj wmf.a úYajdihhs'

ta nqoaê wxY fufyhqï f;dr;=re jeo.;a jkafka ldgo@ cd;Hka;r fldá m‍%cdjg ñi fjk lsisjl=g;a fkdfjhs' Tjqka wjYHhs fla' mS' úkdY lr oud y;rg fnÿKq fldá vhiafmdardj tlg tl;= lr.kak' ta i|yd fï nqoaê wxY fufyhqï f;dr;=re Tjqkg b;d jeo.;a' nqoaê wxY f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ùu ;=< fuys§ nqoaê wxY ks,OdÍkaf.a Ôú;j,g ;¾ckhla t,a, ùu je<elaùug neye' ta ksid wkqr Èidkdhl iy pïmsl rKjl hk uy;ajrekaf.a" fla' mS' újD; wêrlKhg bÈßm;a l< hq;=hs hk b,a,Su u.ska bgqjkafka fldá vhiafmdardfõ Wjukdjhs' fujeks C%shdud¾. wkq.ukh lr,d cd;sl wdrla‍Idj wk;=f¾ fy<kak tmd lshk b,a,Su wms fï wdKavqfjka lrkjd'

udOH tallh
cd;sl ksoyia fmruqK

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