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rdcmlaI,df.a jerÈ
fydhkak rch cd;Hka;r
iyh ,nd .kS

rdcmlaI md,k iufha isÿjQ uQ,H jxpd yd wC%ñl;d ms<sn| úu¾Yk isÿ lsÍu i|yd cd;Hka;r iyh ,nd .ekSug;a" tys m<uq mshjr f,i bkaÈhdfõ uy nexl=j hgf;a l%shd;aul jk uQ,H nqoaê tallfha úfYaI{ iydh we;sj tu jevms<sfj, ls‍%hd;aul lsÍug;a rch ;SrKh lr we;' jxpksl f,i Y‍%S ,xldfjka msg lrk uqo,a ms<sn| fidhd ne,Su" tajd w;am;a lr .ekSu iy jerÈlrejkag ovqjï meñKùu hk ldrKd u; mokïjhs fuu jevms<sfj, ls‍%hd;aul fõ'

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