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Y%S,ksm iNdm;slu wo isg ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg Ndr fokjd - uyskao rdcmlaI

Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha iNdm;s OQrh kj ckm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;dg wo isg ndrÿka nj ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d mjihs'

fï nj i|yka lrñka ysgmq ckm;sjrhd ksl=;a l< udOH ksfõokh jeäÿrg;a my; mßÈh'

˜‍wm Y‍%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha kdhl OQrh wo isg ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d fj; ndrfoñ'
 ud fuu ;SrKh .kq ,nkafka wvishjilg wdikak ld,hla mqrd idudðl;ajh o kdhl;ajh olajd fkdfhla ks,hka o orñka w;suy;a lemlsÍula fldg /ln,d.;a f.dvke.+ Y‍%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh folvù hdfï wk;=rg uqyqK fokq oelSug ;sfnk n,j;a wlue;a; ksidh' wm ud;DN+ñh fiau th wdrlaId lr .ekSug o f.dvke.Su i|yd o bjy,a jQ Y‍%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh tlai;aj ;nd.ekSu thg wdorh lrk wm ieuf.a j.lSuh' tneúka kj kdhl;ajh o úOdhl uKav,h we;=¿ iuia; ks,hka o mlaIfha fiau uq¿uy;a foaYfhau wNsjDoaêh fjkqfjka mlaIh fufyh úh hq;=h'

mdlaIslhkaf.a wdrlaIdj o mlaIh ;=< m‍%cd;ka;‍%jdoh wdrlaId lr .ekSfï j.lSu flfrys o Tn ish¨‍fokdf.a wjOdkh fhduq jk nj ug úYajdih' tfiau ckdêm;sjrKfha§ ud fj; Pkaoh m‍%ldY l< mkiay;a,laIhla blau jQ iuia; uyck;djf.a m‍%d¾:kd yd wNs,dIhka fjkqfjka bÈßhg;a uu oeäj fmkSisák nj fï fudfydf;a ;jÿrg;a wjOdrKh lrñ' ld,h mqrd ud fj; ,nddÿka iyfhda.h fjkqfjka Tnieug yDohdx.u ia;+;sh mqo lrkakg o fuh wjia:djla fldg .ksñ'

Tn ieug iqn wkd.;hla æ
f;rejka irKhsæ

uyskao rdcmlaI

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