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uu yex.=fka kE - uyskao merÿkdg miq Facebook tfla Comments" Post ulmq brdÊ l;dlrhs ckm;sjrK iufha l,dlrejkq;a ms,afnÈ,d ;u wfmalaIhd Èkjkak lghq;=l,d'ta w;r;a ;reK mrmqf¾ m%isoaO ix.S; ks¾udKlrefjl=jk brdÊ ùrr;ak uy;d  jeä wjodkhla Èkd.;af;a ish f*ianqla .sKqu u.ska isÿl< Pkao m%pdrl lghq;= ;=,sks'uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a ch fjkqfjka brdÊ ùrr;ak uy;d m%isoaêfha ue;sjrK /iaùïj,g o iyNd.s úh'

flfia fj;;a uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a iydh fjkqfjka brdÊ ùrr;ak uy;d f*ianqla yryd m,l< PdhdrEm ish,a, bj;a lsÍug fya;=j l=ula o@ hkak .eg¨‍jla nj Tyqf.a fma%laIlhska m,l< woyiaj,ska meyeÈ,s fõ'my; m,jkafka fums,sno wo mqj;am;lg brdÊ úiska m,l, woyiah'  

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;a;hd mrdchg m;afjÉp t‍flka jeämqru ÿlafjk l,dldr‍fhla ‍fkao Tn@ 
Tõ' wksjd¾fhkau' 

t;=ud Èkjkak T‍fí ‍f*ianqla msgqj yryd Tn ‍f,dl= W;aidyhla .;a;d fkao@ 
Tõ' W;aidyhla .;a;d' 

oeka t;=ud mrdchg m;ajqKdg miafia ta odmq Post Comment ul,d lshkafka we;a;o@
uu ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ch.%yKh ‍fjkq‍fjka ‍f*ianqla msgqj yryd u‍f.a u;h m%ldY l<d' ´k ‍fl‍fklag ‍foaYmd,k u;hla orkak mq¿jkafka' uu leu;s me;a;g Wojq l<d' yenehs b‍f,laIka tl ;snqKq oj‍fia ta lshkafka 8 jeksod yji 4g uu ta odmq ish¨‍ Post whska l<d' ‍fudlo tal ñhqisla msgqjla ksid'

we;a;o ojiaj, iudchg uqyqK‍fokak neßj brdÊ yex.s,d ysáh lshkafka@ ‍
fudk msiaiqo@ uu ‍fld‍fya hkako@ uu ;ju;a bkafka ta u;‍fha' mrK ckdêm;s;=ud yïn‍fjkak;a uu .shd'

brdÊg ‍fï ojiaj, ‍‍f*ianqla t‍flka yßhg .ykjd ‍fkao@ 
b;ska ‍‍fydohs‍fka' mí,sisá' uyskao rdcmlaI uy;a;hg;a ‍ffu;%smd, isß‍fiak uy;a;hdg;a jvd u‍f.a ‍f*ianqla msgqj ;ud ojiaj, jeäu ÍÉ tlla ;s‍ífí'

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