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Èk 100 oejeka; wNsfhda.hla
w.ue;s wfußldjg lshhs

j¾;udk rcfha Èk 100 jevigyk id¾:l lr .ekSu oejeka; wNsfhda.hla nj w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d wfußldfõ The Wall Street Journal iu. úfYaI iïuqL idlÉPdjlg tlafjñka mjid ;sfí'

fuys§ isÿlsÍug we;s jvd;a m%uqL;u ld¾hhka w;r tlla jkafka rdcmlaI wdKavqj úiska foaYmd,kSlrKh lrk ,o fmd,Sish bka .,jd .ekSu hehs w.%ud;Hjrhd wjOdrKh lr we;' 

tfiau ,xldfõ iq¿ ck fldgila jk fou< ck;dj fjkqfjka foaYmd,k úi÷ula ,ndÈh hq;= njg oeä wêIaGdkhla kj rch úiskaf.k we;s njo ta uy;d mjid ;sfí' 

ckjdÍ ue;sjrKh fjkila i|yd meje;s Pkaohla nj;a" tu fjki ;=<ska ixys¢hdj f.dvke.Sug wjYH mshjr .ksñka isák nj;a" fyf;u mjid we;' 

fou< ck;dj Ôj;ajk W;=‍re m<d;a iNdfõ n,h jeälsÍu i|yd j;auka rch i,ld n,ñka isák njo w.%ud;Hjrhd i|yka lr ;sfí' 

tfiau wdKavqj úiska Ök Kh fok wdh;k yd fldka;%d;alrejka iu. we;s lr.;a we;eï ¥Is; .kqfokq ms<sn|j j;auka leìkÜ uKav,h lreKq wkdjrKh lr .ekSfï oeä wr.,hlg uqyqKmd isák njo Tyq fmkajd§ we;' 

rdcmlaI wdKavqj úiska há;, myiqlï ixj¾Okh i|yd we;s l< we;eï oejeka; jHdmD;s fgkav¾ mßmdáj,ska f;drj ,nd§ we;s nj;a" tajd ms<sn|j f;dr;=re

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