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ckdêm;sjrK m%;sM, ksl=;aùfuka
miq W;=f¾
LTTE Och tijQ njg
me;sr .sh lgl;dfõ i;H fukak

mYapd;a ue;sjrK iufhys,d .efkk ^09& iy ^10& Èkfha hdmkh we;=¿ W;=re m<df;a yuqod lojqre lsysmhlg lsishï msßila úiska .,a m‍%ydrhla t,a, l< njg;a" úúOdldr msmsÍï yv weiqKq njg;a wi;H fkdu. hjk iq¿ m‍%pdrhla me;sr f.dia we;s nj rdcH wdrlaIdj ms<sno udOH flakaøh m‍%ldY l<d'

;ykï ixúOdkhla jk t,a'à'à'B' ixúOdkfha Och 
hdmkfha Tijd we;s njg;a tf,i m‍%pdrh ù ;sfnkjd'
fuu mokï úrys; m‍%pdrj, lsisÿ i;H;djla fkdue;s w;r Èjhsfka wfkl=;a m<d;a fuka W;=re iy kef.kysr m<d;aj, b;d iduldó ;;a;ajhla mj;sk njhs yuqod m‍%ldYl ì‍%f.aäh¾ rejka jks.iQßh ksl=;a l< ksfõokhl oelafjkafka'

tu m‍%foaYj, wdrlaIdj ;yjqre lr we;s w;r lsisÿ lvd lmam,a ls‍%hdjla isÿù fkdue;s nj Tyq wjOdrKh l<d'

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