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W!j uy weu;s f,i
yÍka Èjqreï fohs

W!j m<d;a uy weu;s f,i W!j m<d;a iNdfõ ysgmq úmlaI kdhl yÍka m%kdkaÿ uy;d miajre 1'14g fhÿK iqn fudfyd;ska m<d;a wdKavqldr kkao ue;sõ uy;d bÈßfha§ Èjqreï ÿkafkah' W!j m<d;a ue;sjrKfha§ jeäu ukdm .;a yÍka j¾;udk ,xldfõ tcdmhg foaYmd,k n,h yerùfï yerjqï ,laIHh jQ nj Èkj, ld w;r;a l;dnyg ,laúh'
foaYmd,k n, fmr<sh;a iu. uy weu;s YISkaø rdcmlaIg n,h fkdue;s jk ;;ajhla WodjQ w;r Tyq iS;, ksid

hhs lshñka W!j m<d;a iNdjdrh l,a ;enQ kuq;a ffu;%S md,kh weröfuka miq YISkaø <`. isá wh yd Tyq fj; .sh who fmr<d yÍka fj; tafuka fï n, fjki we;súh'

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