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f.daGdf.a mq;d riaidj lrkafka flamSf.a idud.ul`

ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;df.a mq;%hd jk  oñkao ufkdÊ rdcmlaI uy;d fïjk úg ‍/lshdj lrkafka  wdkkao l%sYakka kï m%fldaám;s jHdmdßlhd iNdm;s;ajh Wiq,k   u,hdishdfõ uelaisia iuQyhg wh;a weiafg%da ( astro ) iud.fïh'

tu wdh;kfha nyq;rhla fldgia we;af;a flamS fyj;a l=urka moaukdokagh' ta fldgia Tyq ,nd .;af;a tjlg t,a,aààB ixúOdkh fjkqfjka tys uqo,a wdfhdackh lrñkah'

fuys ufkdÊ rdcmlaI  úOdhl fYa%Ksfha /lshdjla lrñka isák w;r Tyqg wefußldfõ iqfLdamfNda.S Ôú;hla .;lsÍug yelshdj ;snqKo Tyq u,hdishdjg meñK we;af;a Tyqf.a wdrlaIdjg yd f.daGdNh rdcmlaI iy fla'mS w;r ;sfnk ys;j;alug fõ' ufkdaÊ rdcmlaI weußldfõ§ iuQy >d;k wú  yd frdlÜ ;dlaIKsl  WmlrK  ksYamdok iud.ul fiajh lf<ah'

b;d ,dnodhs f,i cmka iud.ula u.ska mj;ajd f.k .sh Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï wdh;kfha j;aufka nyq;r fldgia ysñlr f.k we;af;a by;lS uelaisia fg,sfldï wdh;khh'fuu .kqfokqj isÿflreKq ld,fha§ fuu iud.u yd t,aààB ixúOdkh w;r .kqfokqj;a fy<s ù ;sìKs'

tfukau fï fjkqfjka iud.ï fldgia úls”u iïnkaOfhka ;snQ 33] kS;sh mjd fjkia flreKq w;r fldgia 47] la fuu mjrKq ,eîh' tuÛska tjlg Bg ueÈy;a jQ foaYmd,lhl=g yd úksiqrejrhl=g w;súYd, fldñia  uqo,la ,enqKq  njg;a fpdaokdjla úh'

ysgmq ckm;s mq;a fhdaIs; rdcmlaI CSN rEmjdysks pek,h wdrïN lroa§ Bg wjYH ish¿u ;dlaIKsh fuj,ï uelaisia iud.u úiska ;s<sKhla f,i ,nd § ;sìKs'

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