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ksfrdaId fmf¾rd hq. Èúhg

ksfrdaId fmf¾rd újdy fj,d lsh,d lafIa;%fha mqrd fmdä l;djla hkjd'ne,skakï l;dj we;a;''ksfrdaId újdy fj,d'

weh újdy fj,d ;sfhkafka cmka cd;slfhla tlal'Tyqf.a ku uidhd ix''wef.a újdy W;aijh meje;ajqfka fld<U .%Ekaâ Tßhkag,a fydag,fhahs'

 Wvrg ukd,shla f,i ieriS isáh weh fjkodg;a jvd W;aij wjia:dfõ jvd;a ,iaikg ieriS bo,d'

keoE msßi yd lafIa;%fha fndfyda fofkla iyNd.s ùug kshñ; nj okak fïW;aijfha fmdä wjq,la t;kg .sh yq.dla fofklag oeks,d'

ksfrdaId újdy fjk wdrxÑh oekka t;kg .sh f.dvdla fofklag 

álla fj,d .shdg miafia ;uhs f;aß,d ;sfhkafka fï yeu fohlau r.meula lsh,d'we;a;gu ksfrdaId újdy fj,d ;sfhkafka Ñ;%mghl o¾Ykhla ioydhs'

ta .ek jeäúia;rhla okafka ke;s ksid wms fï foaj,a .ek wef.kau wy .;a;d'

wfYdal w;djqofyÜá wOla‍IKh lrk zlkaola fiaudZ Ñ;%mgfha zkQmdZ ;uhs wE' cmka ñksil=f.a ukd,sh ù ;u ujqìug iuqfok kQmd kï Y%S ,dxlsl hqj;shf.a pß;hg mK fmdjkafka'lkaola fiaud lshkafka iqñ;%d rdyqnoaO f.a ;sr rpkhla' fï ;sr rpkh cmka nig mßj¾;kh lrkafka cmdkfha fldfkda ñ;aiq kï uydpd¾hjrhd' tys tk fidard ixf. pß;hg mK fmdjkafk óg ld,hlg by; È ;reK TISka f,iska Tn yuqjg meñKsh fldnhdiS whdflda

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